Well ive got the pictures of the (Barby) boy she is a doll too but not with BBQ sauce on. Yep i even have pictures of MsCat recieving her birthday present of PINK pickled eggs at the BBQ. In fact i have alot of pics taken by three differant photographers and no Wacky anywhere :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: . Why i was camping out only 50yds fm Bogs booth but nooooooo Wacky couldnt come over as he was too busy sticking his nose into Bogs lure bottles. Of course that is excusable with Lenons' Lures. The excuse Wacky said was keeping Bogs lures dry from the rain, yea sure, sniff , sniff , sniff....... Why Wacky is worse than a burro snuffling a salt block out :shock: .