Very cool .I looked hard at doing the Shikari with the 18 twist but just could not bring myself to modify it. But with your experiance with ML's you should get it right. Lord knows we can't wait for H&R to give us what we want
I have had this barrel for around a year now, long enough to forget how long.

It is unfired, with shallow rifling, just how I like them. It should be able to shoot those big old conicals, and those light weight saboted bullets as well.
I already have a White and Knight with the 1:20 twist, so I know what to expect. I just wanted one in a Huntsman, and now I am going to have one.
I have over a dozen front stuffers, isn't it funny that I prefer my least expensive one over all the rest, when it is time to go hunting? I just love the way these Huntsmans handle, and shoot. My .50 cal Huntsman is still batting a thousand on deer and elk.