The old original X bullet did not shoot well in most guns. I only have 1 rifle that shot them well, but terminal performance was far less than desirable.
But that has ZERO relevance to the TSX bullets, but some can't get past the old bullets & that's cool with me.
There are still some rifles that won't shoot the TSX well, but far fewer. But there are rifles that won't shoot bullets that are normally the most accurate in other rifles, like the Ballistic Tip for example, as Bill stated, rifles have their own personalities.
As far as terminal effect, I used the 115TSX a good deal for Whitetails, Antelope & Mule Deer in my 25-06AI. Each & every time the wound channel was impressive & penetration was complete, even with a Whitetail Buck I shot from "corner to corner" at close range. I cannot speak for extreme range, the animals I shot with this bullet were up very close out to approaching 400Yds, & they did not disappoint.
You may not get the "dramatic effect" on small Deer that the BT type bullets give from time to time, but they work quite well.
I don't use these bullets in the 25 cal. now only because I don't really need them for Deer sized game & I wanted a better long range bullet which doubles for Coyotes.
The Tip will only make long range results better & in your 300Wea, it would do anything that round can do for hunting & a good BC as well.
I personally don't much care about the cost of a bullet in such a rifle as it is not a volume shooter anyway.
JJHack did a good deal of research on the 30-06 with the 165 TTSX and the 30-06, the 180TTSX in a 300 will just be more of those results & potentially further.