OK, I read ayoob's brief on the nj vs bias case and it didn't have a damn thing to do with a defensive street shooting. ayoob's first statement about the case in Lesson#1 is: don't leave a loaded gun around someone who is suicidal - well, duh!
As I read it, the only problem with using the reloaded ammo is that it did not leave a signature powder burn on the wife's head and the prosecuter took that as a murder, not a suicide and again, it had nothing to do with a defensive street shooting.
And again, what you have is a bunch of ayoob blather. Don't forget that this guy is PAID to test, advertize and hype both firearms and ammo. He is paid to do this - does anyone really think that someone who is paid to do this is going to defend the use of handloaded ammunition or older guns?? Please gentlemen, the guy is a paid hack regardless of what his background is.
Do any of you read his write-ups about new guns? It absolutely has to be the latest and greatest that fills his holsters, or belt, or socks or wherever he carries his pistols and the ammo he uses has absolutely got to be the most powerful, devastating, shocking, killya inna instant or blow yer guts out new loading available for the police - just please notice that the bullets absolutely have to have some devastating effect or they are useless; they just cannot punch on through like ball ammo does - man, this guy would be the worst witness in the world at a war crimes tribunal with his beliefs that a bullet has to shred every single piece of flesh it comes in contact within order to be effective.
Don't forget that this is the same guy who says a TT-33 is obsolete while he packs a 1911, but then gives that one up for a da/sa of sorts so his first shot could/can be a knee-jerk heat of the moment da trigger pull, not a conscious effort to take a 1911 off safety before you pull the trigger.
Once again, look at the title of the original post - Only factory ammof for self defense. Bias left a loaded handgun around his depressed wife with whom he had just argued, neither the shooting or the ammunition used or that ammo wrongly tested by the police had so much as one thing to do with a defensive street shooting, but if you continue to read this guy you will fall prey to his notion that only the newest and most destructive gun and ammo is what you should use to avoid any liability at all. What nonsense.
Does anyone know how many home invaders or criminals have been stopped in a home by 38 spl wadcutters or swcs purchased as bulk reloads from a gun shop? Has anyone ever been charged, that either we or ayoob speaks to for using the 'famouosly inhumane 45 automatic that will killya if it hits your finger or will blow yer shoulder off (and killya) if it touches yer earlobe, er gawd forbid it comes anywhere near ya and just leaves ya dead (will killya) in the process.
Think about this statement - Yes Sir, my defensive gun was loaded with those new police loads that massa ayoob wrote about last month, you know, the ones that shread every single piece of flesh it comes in contact with and will killya dead if it even comes close to you', rather than the 'plain old army stuff I trained with and used during the war'. If you are worried that someone in the court room, presecutor or someone else will think you were a cowboy out lookin' for trouble and a one shot kill for carrying the 'ayoo chest shredder' rather than plain old ball, you are right, that is exactly what they will think. If you carry and shoot plain old army ammo (ball or fmj or cast) you are more likely NOT to be seen as someone who was out looking for trouble (cowboy).
And let us not, please, lose sight of the fact that guys like ayoob would have you in such fear of using reloaded ammunition, or even something like a 22 hollow point for your personal defense that you feel you have to purchase something that (may not be as effective) or already has a (police community) reputation for its devastation which makes you what, a cop wannabe - is that why you carry that stuff?
I'll say this once more - ayoob is a PAID hack and his sole example supporting his entire reign of blather about the perils of using handloaded ammunition for personal defense had absolutely nothing to do with a defensive street shooting. The only lesson you should have learned from nj vs bias is that you should never let anyone with a history of suicidal thought or attempt anywhere near a loaded gun. Duh!