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Offline Jason F

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just wondering
« on: March 31, 2011, 07:58:05 AM »
How much does it cost to send your gun in to get a new barrel and fitted and sent back to you verse buying a barrel on here. I know the barrel alone is 96 dollars how much is the extras in shipping and fitting and the cost of you sending it. Forgot about how long you have to wait you have to take that into consideration. A little extra money on here don't seem all that bad.
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Offline jbrray

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2011, 08:02:02 AM »
It will run you about $140 or so with the fit and shipping. I was looking at a heavy barrel which cost a little more and I figured it would cost me about $160 to go that route.


Offline Jason F

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2011, 08:05:31 AM »
Ok if you find a decent barrel on here that hasn't been shot out so I guess 140-150 isn't bad for one and alot less wait
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Offline quickdtoo

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2011, 08:10:00 AM »
You've got to add $19 and $25 shipping and fitting, plus tax (they always charge tax) and the cost to get your frame and stock to them to the price of the barrel, that's about $160 for a $96 accessory barrel, it's all spelled out on the order form if you just download it, you'll see the shipping covers 2 barrels so there's an advantage buying two.

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Offline Spanky

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2011, 10:57:59 AM »
That follows the point I'm trying to make about guys asking too much for used barrels.
The barrel alone is around $100 bucks and all the rest of the fees are for shipping, tax, professional fitting, etc.
So there it is... a brand spankin' new barrel itself is worth around $100 bucks. Given that... why do guys think it's OK to ask $150 or more for a used barrel? There is no fitting, no tax, no nothing. Just a used barrel. :-\
So does it make sense to pay $150 or more for a used barrel that may or may not fit, may not have been well taken care of, may not shoot worth beans, etc.??
Explain to me why a used barrel with sometimes questionable history that has to be fit by the buyer is worth more than a brand spanking new one.


Offline dave29

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2011, 11:25:01 AM »
That follows the point I'm trying to make about guys asking too much for used barrels.
The barrel alone is around $100 bucks and all the rest of the fees are for shipping, tax, professional fitting, etc.
So there it is... a brand spankin' new barrel itself is worth around $100 bucks. Given that... why do guys think it's OK to ask $150 or more for a used barrel? There is no fitting, no tax, no nothing. Just a used barrel. :-\
So does it make sense to pay $150 or more for a used barrel that may or may not fit, may not have been well taken care of, may not shoot worth beans, etc.??
Explain to me why a used barrel with sometimes questionable history that has to be fit by the buyer is worth more than a brand spanking new one.


I couldn't agree more. I can see a barrel that has had work done like being reamed to .357 Max or a barrel that has been professionally shortened and crowned running $150+. But, a stock, used, blued barrel for $150 is kinda crazy.

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2011, 11:26:16 AM »
Its not better, we just help each other know keep it in the Graybeard Family

Offline Bayway

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2011, 02:11:32 PM »
That follows the point I'm trying to make about guys asking too much for used barrels.
The barrel alone is around $100 bucks and all the rest of the fees are for shipping, tax, professional fitting, etc.
So there it is... a brand spankin' new barrel itself is worth around $100 bucks. Given that... why do guys think it's OK to ask $150 or more for a used barrel? There is no fitting, no tax, no nothing. Just a used barrel. :-\
So does it make sense to pay $150 or more for a used barrel that may or may not fit, may not have been well taken care of, may not shoot worth beans, etc.??
Explain to me why a used barrel with sometimes questionable history that has to be fit by the buyer is worth more than a brand spanking new one.


I couldn't agree more. I can see a barrel that has had work done like being reamed to .357 Max or a barrel that has been professionally shortened and crowned running $150+. But, a stock, used, blued barrel for $150 is kinda crazy.

Could not agree less. The value of something is what someone else is willing to pay for it. If you think something is overpriced, don't buy it.

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2011, 02:23:24 PM »
I have to agree. Something is only worth what someone is willing to pay. But that is a choice. I watch the prices for reloading stuff on E-bay go for more than new and then once in a while there is a deal. If ya think it is to much don't buy. If somebody else does than it was worth it to them. You just have to pick your battles.
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Re: just wondering
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2011, 03:08:44 PM »
A couple weeks ago I was looking over a nice, but used, Target 38-55 at a gun show. He was asking $400 (claimed that is what he paid new), but would take$375. Still too much for me, but when do you see them? It was still there at closing, maybe he will dicker more at the next show.
Then there was the guy with a 'customized' one for $750!
When others get in too deep they expect to get all, or most of it back.
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Offline srussell

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2011, 04:30:59 PM »
i don't always agree with prices but what ever it is its theirs and can ask what they want take the 45cold and 38-55 barrels they st oped making them so there is the price and demand thing . just my dimes worth

Offline Spanky

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2011, 05:10:53 PM »
Well I guess my 32-20 Handi should be worth about $500 bucks then huh? ::)


Offline cheatermk3

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2011, 05:14:24 PM »
Supply and demand.  Some barrels are scarce, like a 22 jet others are plentiful but very popular 45-70 for example.

Bottom line if you think it's too much don't buy instead bide your time and wait for a better deal.

Offline Spanky

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2011, 05:43:23 PM »
There it is again. Supply and Demand. ::) Get real.
Plain jane 223 barrels are a dime a dozen and guys are listing them for $150 bucks.
Then there's the old argument "it ends up costing $150 to get one from the factory" Yup... after fitting, tax, shipping, etc.
So apparently if a seller wants to get rid of his plain jane used 223 barrel he's also entitled to the fitting charge, tax, shipping, etc???
Is that the logic we're going with??

Let's look at it like this...

New barrel only from factory (not the extra charges, just the barrel)... $100 bucks
Used, unfitted, questionable history, etc barrel only from seller.....     $150 bucks

Don't make alot of sense does it?? 
Some of you guys are killing the used market and don't even care. It's too bad, really it is.


Offline Bayway

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2011, 06:01:36 PM »

Some of you guys are killing the used market and don't even care. It's too bad, really it is.


Used market seems to be doing real good here. I can't seem to get to the posts fast enough to get what I want. Gone before I have a chance. Seriously. if you have some good used barrels you want to get rid of for $100 each let me know.

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2011, 06:12:02 PM »

Some of you guys are killing the used market and don't even care. It's too bad, really it is.


Used market seems to be doing real good here. I can't seem to get to the posts fast enough to get what I want. Gone before I have a chance. Seriously. if you have some good used barrels you want to get rid of for $100 each let me know.

Good for who? The buyer or the seller? ;)
Certainly not the buyer. Sellers are ripping the guts out of the used market.


Offline thejanitor

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2011, 08:12:06 PM »

Let's look at it like this...

New barrel only from factory (not the extra charges, just the barrel)... $100 bucks


Unfortunately The ficticious 100.00 barrel from H&R does not exsist, Because without all the added fees you can't have it.... So in real life as much as I hate to spend 135.00 plus for a- who really knows how used or abused barrel -it is still cheaper than the 100.00 H&R barrel in the long run.
I know what you are saying Spanky, but an H&R factory barrel isn't 100.00 .
I am always buying here so I see the paying side of the transaction, but I have been happy to pay what I was comfortable paying for what I wanted. If what I want is too much I just won't get it.
But when I see what I have been watching and saving for- selling for a not too high of price I will buy it with an "I'LL TAKE IT" in a heart beat.
So it may be a bummer for those who want things cheaper, but for the guy who feels lucky to have found it, he will jump on it...


Offline Jason F

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2011, 01:09:55 AM »
The janitor could not have said it any better,when I see something on here I want I buy it I don't ever argue about price I give what they want for and we are both happy.
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Re: just wondering
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2011, 02:29:58 AM »
The best price/deal on anything is one in which the seller thinks "I can't believe he actually gave me that much for that thing"  and the buyer thinks "I can't believe I got this so cheap." Everybody's happy. ;)
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Offline phatgemi

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2011, 03:35:25 AM »
Supply vs Demand......

Offline tmccray45

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2011, 03:55:34 AM »
For those that think the prices for used barrels are too high here, try publicly offering less.

For instance, if the seller is advertising a barrel for $130.00, post a reply that you will buy it for $100.  It's up to the seller at that point - he can accept, or reject.   You have two options: you can publicly offer $110 or you can move on.   If the seller accepts $110, then that is the market price for that barrel.   If the seller rejects an offer of $110, the seller believes it's worth more.

To complain about prices being too high accomplishes nothing.   Be proactive - offer less.  See what happens.

If on the other hand the barrel sells for $130.00, then THAT is the market price, not $100.
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Re: just wondering
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2011, 06:18:43 AM »
For those that think the prices for used barrels are too high here, try publicly offering less.

That's what I do, but not publicly.  I think that if I posted a lower bid to the thread it would turn our classifieds into an auction site.  Therefore I PM the seller with my offer.

I determine exactly what the item is worth to me at that time and make a standing offer.  I usually try to indicate that this is my offer if the seller doesn't get what he listed the item for, or a better offer then mine.  Then the seller should feel no obligation to accept or reject it at that time.

If he doesn't want to sell whatever it is for my price that's fine to.  I understand, no hard feelings.  The last thing I want to do is for people to think I'm trying to bargain them down as low as possible.  Heck, most of the time were talking about an amount less then a 6 pack of beer anyway!  At least the imported and or micro brewery beer I drink...  :P

That said, I to have watched the prices creep up seemingly for no other reason then what the market will bear.  To bad.  Kinda like Chase increasing their ATM fee to $5...  :(
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Offline Spanky

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2011, 01:06:12 PM »
I've offered less publicly and my posts got removed and put in the trash. :-\

The janitor could not have said it any better,when I see something on here I want I buy it I don't ever argue about price I give what they want for and we are both happy.

That's exactly why guys are getting away with the ridiculous prices. ;)


Offline srussell

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2011, 07:36:23 PM »
I've offered less publicly and my posts got removed and put in the trash. :-\

The janitor could not have said it any better,when I see something on here I want I buy it I don't ever argue about price I give what they want for and we are both happy.

That's exactly why guys are getting away with the ridiculous prices. ;)

  what would be your solution then. we cant price other peoples things .

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2011, 08:37:50 PM »
My solution is this...

Don't pay the crazy money some guys are asking. ;)

There are a few of us who have been on the site for a while and have made a few deals. We have seen the prices go from fair and reasonable to ridiculous. Look back throught the classifieds at who is buying the big money stuff. It isn't the old timers of the site it's the johnny come lately's who don't know any better. It seems now that there are a few guys who are just using the site to "get rich quick" so to speak. Buying on other sites like Gunbroker and then selling here because they know they can turn a profit. It didn't used to be like that... it used to be a good bunch of guys who were wheeling and dealing for the fun of it and to help each other out. Not any more, it's a business to some guys plain and simple. Look at the guy with 70 Handi's listed on his signature line. Do you think he's here to enjoy the site or to make money off it? Looking at the current classifieds I'd say the latter. It's changed alot in the last couple years and not necessarily for the better. I remember a year or so ago there was a 30-06 ultracomp barrel listed for $160 shipped... it took a while for it to sell but eventually it did. If someone posted the same barrel now they'd probably list it for $200 and some new guy would fall over himself to post "I'll take it". It's foolishness at it's worst.
The spirit of the site is long gone and nobody wants to fix it. It's just a bunch of rip off's looking to turn a fast buck.  I keep making the argument that a new barrel cost's about $100 bucks from the factory. Now I know it cost's alot more to actually get it but the barrel itself is about $100 bucks. That's what the factory has determined their brand new barrel to be worth. The extra fees are just that... extra but you are actually paying for SOMETHING. Shipping, tax, fitting, etc... you are paying for something. With a used barrel you don't get any of that so why are you paying for it. Simple answer is this... the seller thinks he is entitled to the same money that the factory is without providing the extras. It seems like some people just don't understand this concept at all. THE EXTRA FEES PAID TO THE FACTORY ARE PAYING FOR SOMETHING... THE EXTRA FEES PAID TO A SELLER ARE PAYING FOR NOTHING. All it's doing is padding a sellers pocket. Some guys on the forum really need to wake up and realize what's going on here... guys are getting ripped off and are oblivious to it or just don't care. Whichever the case it's foolishness. Something else to look at too. How many times have you seen a brand new rifle that's been bought online or from a dealer and parted out here on the site? Many times. Why??  Because guys know they can go online or to their local shop and buy a Handi and part it out here for a profit. Guys are using the site for profit plain and simple. They had no intention of using the new Handi it was just a tool to make money for them. There's a few guys here who should be classified as a business and be paying GB accordingly. ;)


Offline Jimbo47

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2011, 01:25:45 AM »
I have to agree with a lot of what you say Spanky, about the newer guys, and the parting out which I agree as I've seen some of that as of late.

I agree that what you think it's worth you should get, but I also agree that the prices are being run up and those who don't know any better are just helping the cause, and you have to remember that you are rolling the dice every time you buy, because those barrels have to be fitted as one size doesn't fit all.

That is why I've pretty much bought my last used barrel, and the last two I've purchased have been complete rifles.   It's just crazy to pay $50 to $60 over for a used barrel that like you say, has a questionable backround and may or may not fit, and for only a hundred or so more you get a complete rifle that is brand new with the warrantee.

So what can you do?

Nothing really but just move on, and remember how it used to be I guess?
My culled down Handi's are the 45-70, and then I have a few others to keep it company...357 Mag/Max. .45 LC/.454 Casull Carbine, .243 Ultra, and 20 gauge Tracker II.

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Re: just wondering
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2011, 02:11:54 AM »
I've almost never had a second hand barrel fit.  I work on guns everyday, and I wouldn't try to fit one myself.  If folks want to put crazy prices on them then I guess they won't sell.

I see really cheap used Handis at every show I go to.
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Re: just wondering
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2011, 03:55:38 AM »
 I think both sides of this topic have valid points.
 I would rather have a new factory fit barrel, butttttttttttttttttt
 A while ago I wanted a 7x57, called CS  and after a long pause they laughed at me. So do I wait for the next run of 7x57 barrels or do I pay what someone  is asking for the one they have.
 Decided I wanted a 30/30 ejector with sights, called CS and after a long pause they laughed at me again, sooooo
 I know in both these cases I paid more than the barrels were new, but supply and demand  set the a rate I was willing to pay and pay I did--woodsrunner
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Re: just wondering
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2011, 07:35:07 AM »
I dunno, like Woodsrunner said, I can see both sides.   :-\  I would lean to Spanky's point of view; friends helping friends rather then trying to make a few bucks off them.  But if someone needs to make a shekel or two and someone else is willing to pay what they want, who am I to say they are wrong.  Of course, greed is another matter.

Let me give this example of my view point when it comes to selling.  I have a 7x57.  I like the cartridge so much I'm going to build a bolt gun around it.  So, I may decide to sell the Handi.  But only because it is a "desireable" caliber and someone else should be able to enjoy the rifle as much as I have.  If I did sell it, I would ask exactly what I paid for it.  $220.00.  But the buyer WOULD pay shipping!   ;D

Unfortunately, nowadays if I put it in the Classifieds, I'd worry that someone would snap it up not because he really wanted it, but for resale at a profit.  That may not be against the idea of classified adds, but it is contrary to my desires for the rifle and my fellow GBO members.

So what to do...  Maybe I could contact some members I know would really want the rifle?  They could decide among themselves who gets first dibs.  No, that would exclude the member out there who has been saving his nickles and dimes in the hopes of finding the rifle he has always wanted.  Like Dinny, who begged me for that 7x57 for a couple of years!   ;D  Heck, I'll probably just end up keeping it and let my Executor sell it for as much as the market will allow for Kathie's benefit! 

Of course I also liked the idea of the old "Pay it Forward" forum.  If I have something extra another member needs I'd much rather them have it then let it lay around my man cave gathering dust.  But alas, that forum went away because of some people's abuse.

As far as buying goes, if something I need is advertised, but for more then I think is a reasonable price, I make a private offer like I said before, or just wait.  It seems that sooner or later someone will offer what I want at the price I'm willing to pay.  Then it's up to me to see it before someone with the classifieds on speed dial does and type that annoying "I'll take it."

So, considering my viewpoint on things I understand Spanky's frustration.  But Spank old boy, human nature is... well... human nature!  And we're all human!   ;)
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Re: just wondering
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2011, 07:43:02 AM »
Your 7x57 is one of the exceptions IMO. It's a great round and certainly not easy to find... that definitely makes it worth a premium.
It's the guys asking an arm and a leg for the common stuff that really irks me.

OT but most important... How is the missus doing Richard? Lots of prayers and wishes have been going her way. ;)
