I dunno, like Woodsrunner said, I can see both sides.

I would lean to Spanky's point of view; friends helping friends rather then trying to make a few bucks off them. But if someone
needs to make a shekel or two and someone else is willing to pay what they want, who am I to say they are wrong. Of course, greed is another matter.
Let me give this example of my view point when it comes to selling. I have a 7x57. I like the cartridge so much I'm going to build a bolt gun around it. So, I may decide to sell the Handi. But only because it is a "desireable" caliber and someone else should be able to enjoy the rifle as much as I have. If I did sell it, I would ask exactly what I paid for it. $220.00. But the buyer WOULD pay shipping!

Unfortunately, nowadays if I put it in the Classifieds, I'd worry that someone would snap it up not because he really wanted it, but for resale at a profit. That may not be against the idea of classified adds, but it is contrary to my desires for the rifle and my fellow GBO members.
So what to do... Maybe I could contact some members I know would really want the rifle? They could decide among themselves who gets first dibs. No, that would exclude the member out there who has been saving his nickles and dimes in the hopes of finding the rifle he has always wanted. Like Dinny, who begged me for that 7x57 for a couple of years!

Heck, I'll probably just end up keeping it and let my Executor sell it for as much as the market will allow for Kathie's benefit!
Of course I also liked the idea of the old "Pay it Forward" forum. If I have something extra another member needs I'd much rather them have it then let it lay around my man cave gathering dust. But alas, that forum went away because of some people's abuse.
As far as buying goes, if something I need is advertised, but for more then I think is a reasonable price, I make a private offer like I said before, or just wait. It seems that sooner or later someone will offer what I want at the price I'm willing to pay. Then it's up to me to see it before someone with the classifieds on speed dial does and type that annoying "I'll take it."
So, considering my viewpoint on things I understand Spanky's frustration. But Spank old boy, human nature is... well... human nature! And we're all human!