The .32-20, .30 carbine, or 32 H&R mag can all be rechambered to .30 B, and most likely the .300 Whisper...but I'd check with SSK to find out for sure. But I don't think any of those have been chambered from the factory for the Encore. Depending on what you end up spending on the barrel to begin with though, I've found it's usually cheaper just to order the barrel from the maker. If you put $190-275 into a carbine length barrel (and unless you come into a really good deal, that's what they're going for) $75 to rechamber and $50 to shorten and recrown (this is from SSK who you should go to if you want the whisper, Foxridge is also licensed to produce a whisper. Bellm is not doing rechambers any longer, but lots of other places will chamber for the .30B if you provide them the chamber dimensions.) So you have $315-400 tied up in a used barrel. A new 300 Whisper on a SSK tapered blue barrel cut to the length you want from SSK is $405 (cheaper way to do it is on a Contender, a shilen match grade Contender bull is only $380 from SSK). I thought about doing the same thing you're thinking about but came to the conclusion that unless you already own the barrel and have bad accuracy or just don't like the chambering it's in, it doesn't make sense to me to go buy a used barrel of unknown condition and save less than $80.
My 2 cents.