We need to do that here as well. All the bogus hate crime legislation that gives some people more rights than others needs to end now. Equality my representative symbol of the d party.
I agree with the Hate crime crapola.
But we have a freedom of religeon here.
They can be musliums here, they can prcatictice all they want.
But we can not give in on the Pictures on the drivers license.
we can not give in on the police pulling them over and not seeing their face to match it to the ID.
Now with that said, all reasonable efforts should be made, if a Police woman is on duty and is near by, sure she can be called but do not drag the female police officers across the city, state, out of bed to come and make the ID.
We also need to get back to Freedom means I can do, not you have to make it easy for me to do or your way of life over rides my freedom to use Private property how I see fit.
The unfortunate part about your argument is that "some" people use religion as a "card" to be pulled out and used as necessary for their benefit, just like some people currently use the "race" card. This type of behavior was pointed out in the "Targaaay" post, where Muslims working in "Targaaay" refused to stock pork products because it was against their religion. The work had to be done by others, including Jews (who also are not allowed to eat pork).
I believe the Muslims have to compromise and adapt their "religious views & customs" to live in our society, just like all the other groups that came prior to them. If it is so abhorrent to them to do so, why would they leave their "great" homeland to come here, the land of the Great Satan? We all know deep in our hearts that our parents and those that are 1st generation immigrants, all came here to build a better life for their families.
I don't know where I read it, but there was a story about an incident that happened in British ruled India. After a rich man died, the Indians wanted to throw the mans' widows into the funeral pyre (the practice called Sati or Suti). When the British Governor refused, the Indians objected, claiming it was a custom of their
religion. The British Governor relented, wisely stating, you may do so, but it is a British custom to hang the people who would do so. The Indians changed their mind (and their custom).
The police woman example doesn't work, most PD's already have it written in their Patrol Guides, that male PO's may physically search females when it is not prudent or conveniently possible to do so.