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Offline lgm270

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Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« on: April 05, 2011, 06:47:58 PM »
Originally I regarded the "birther" issue as a pointless distraction.  Since then, I have read  and cross-checked both of Obama's books  Dreams From My Father (DFMF) and Audacity of Hope (AOH). I have  studied his background  and have carefully reviewed all of the photographs of him and his family (the Dunhams) that I could find. I believe that his personal  history  before entering Harvard Law School in or about 1988 is a complete fabrication created for him by ghost writers and handlers.   Moreover, much of the information on his mother and grandparents is also very dubious.  The Grandad supposedly served in the US Army during WW2, but photos show him wearing USMC uniforms.  :-\ 

Photos of Obama’s background are forgeries and frauds.

If you Google  Barack Obama nd hit "Images" take a good look at his family photos of when he was a child and adolscent. Most of the photos are obvious composits that were cut and pasted from other photographs.   One example is a purported picture of him with his grandparents in New York in 1983. He is wearing his wedding ring, notwithstanding that he  did not meet Michelle until 1989 and did not marry her until 1992.  Who do you know that wears a wedding right for 9 years before getting married? No one.   The picture is an obvious  “cut and paste” of other photos  produced to legitimize his purported attendance at  Columbia University in NYC.

 The young Obama photos show an adolescent Obama with a nose that is visibly narrower than his current nose. Then his law school photos show him with a nose  that is  broad  like it looks now.  Did he get a nose job to make his nose bigger?   I don’t think so.

 One of the high school group photos shows him with a Negro head pasted on a white person's body.  The Negro head has a broad nose, but  the body  on to which it has been pasted has a bare left arm revealed by a rolled up sleeve (whoever heard of long sleeved shirts in Hawaii?) and it is white!     

Another high school group photo, a basketball team picture,  shows  a teenaged Obama  in his basketball jersey with team mates.  His arms are of a black person, but his face is noticeably different from other Obama photos of that  time of his life. Unlike the aforementioned group photo of Obama with a white person's body and a broad nose, the basket ball team photo of Obama  shows him with a visibly narrower nose. It is obvious that there are at least three different individuals whose images were cut and pasted into school photos and family photos  and falsely represented to be Obama for the purpose of legitimizing this impostor  by providing him with a personal history.

It is not until his law school years, commencing in the fall of 1988, that the pictures actually show the current Obama,  albeit a much younger one. 

Grandparent photos are frauds

His grandfather, Stanely Dunham, supposedly served in the US Army in WW2 in Europe, but his military pictures show him wearing a USMC uniform! Look at the cover of the paper back edition of DFMF:  Grandad is wearing a USMC hat with a US Army insignia pinned on it.     Other family photos are equally dubious. 

Obama’s Two Books Contradict Each Other

Obama’s  two books contradict each other about basic facts  of his history. It should be noted that neither book has complete dates. In some cases they list a year, but not the month or day of such basic things as his birthday, parents' marriage date, etc., or anything else for that matter.  Many of the incomplete dates are just wrong.

In Dreams From  My Father (DFMF) he says his family arrived in Hawaii in 1959, but in Audacity of Hope (AOH) he says it was 1960. DFMF says his parents were married in 1960, but hi mother's divorce papers, filed in 1964, says they were married on Feb. 2, 1961.

DFMF says his father left Hawaii in 1963, but the public record (including a feature story in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin dated June 20, 1962) confirm that Sr. left Hawaii in June 1962 to start classes at Harvard in September 1962. Thus,  Obama’s claim that his father left when  Obama Jr. was 2 is a lie. Obama Jr. was only 9 mos at the time.

DFMF says that  Obama SR left the family to fulfill his lofty destiny to go to Harvard, but at another place it quotes Ann Dunham Obama as saying that that  Obama SR was not to blame for leaving  because she "divorced" him.  In fact,  Obama Sr. left for Harvard  in 1962 and Ann Dunham Obama  didn't file divorce papers until 1964, two years later.  By the time she filed for divorce, Obama SR was already long gone for two years.

AOH says Obama met Michelle  in 1988 after his first year at Harvard Law during a summer job at a Chicago law firm where Michelle was already admitted to the bar and was practicing law. Well, the Illinois State Supreme Court web site says Michelle was not admitted to the Illinois bar until 1989, one year later. The public record and most biographies on BHO say he started Harvard Law in the fall of 1988 which means he would have met Michelle in 1989 rather than 1988. Thus with one misrepresentation, BHO misrepresents his personal relationship with his wife as well as his educational and employment backgrounds. How does this guy fill out a job application if he's so confused about the most basic facts of his educational, professional and employment backgrounds?  We're told this man is a genius, the smartest ever to be president, but he can't even get his own personal history straight.

In AOH Obama praises Michelle's family, and talks about all their "sacrifices" and "challenges". (Unlike Obama's mother and father, Michelle's parents actually raised and supported their own children instead of fobbing them off on a dysfunctional, alcoholic grandparent like Obama's mother did him). 

Curiously,  Obama says Michelle's father died "six months" after they first met in 1988. Well, the public record shows her father died in March 1991, three years after he says they first met. This guy doesn't know the difference between six months and three years? How did he practice law with such a weird, dysfunctional, distorted sense of time? If his personal history is so replete with mistakes,  what must his written legal work have been like? 

Obama’s marriage is also a source of controversy.   If you Google the Obama Marriage, you’ll find three different dates referring to it:  October 3, October 10, and October 18,  1992.  A Certificate of Marriage from Cook County Illinois says it was  October 3, 1992.  Ordinarily a public figure’s wedding date would not mean much, but with the Obamas  even this  simple unremarkable event is the subject of confusion and misinformation.   

More astonishing, AOH, which has so many mistakes about Obama’s  and Michelle's background, acknowledges that Michelle assisted in writing it. Here's another Harvard educated lawyer who read a manuscript and didn't catch the mistake about the year she was admitted to practicing law? Hard to believe. Not only does she not know when she was admitted to practice or when she met her husband, but she doesn't know when her own father died relative to her introducing  Obama to her family. Also, BHO acknowledges that a staff member spent an entire summer "fact checking" the manuscript of AOH. How do you spend an entire summer "fact checking" a soft ball puff piece like BHO's phony ghost written book and then screw up on so many facts that are obviously wrong?

There is something very wrong about these phony money grubbing affirmative action Negroes who can't even get their own personal biographies correct...separate and apart from  Obama's refusal to produce a valid birth certificate. There is also something weird about their openly professed hatred of white people and America in DFMF: Obama, his father, and his perpetually angry, white hating wife all got Harvard educations, courtesy of the dirty rotten white racists for whom they all express  so much  open hatred.  I only know of one family that has as many Harvard graduates....the Kennedys. 

This impostor is a complete fraud. His history has been created for him by ghostwriters and handlers. That is why even he  can’t get his own history correct.  He keeps confusing his real personal history with the contrived history created for him by his handlers.     

Who is the man who controls America's nuclear arsenal?   We have a right to know.  This is an important issue that must not be abandoned. 

Offline Pat/Rick

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2011, 07:35:40 PM »
The sad part about it all was the support of our congress and senate throughout the charade. The very people that are supposed to insure a president of American birth sits in the white house, failed. Failed we the people. Some folks will argue that the birth certificate was shown on the internet, so far I have seen two. Sadly we do not have the option of a no confidence vote in this nation. Though i don't agree with ann coulter on alot of her opinions, I'm thinking her obituary for the USA really wasn't that far out of order. Sad.

Offline Tommyt

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2011, 07:54:11 PM »
Sadly all this falls on deaf ears
It will pass
he will pass
The Citizens of this ERA will never know
Maybe your Kids Great great Grand kids will
dig it out and Prove who he was or wasn't
I'm sad to say we've been Had
 The seat was Bought Paid for
a years ago

Now I hear he'll gather a Billion to campaign
Watch out
Pray and Pray Hard

Hurt and saddened by all this
Not quiting but able to see the wall

the wall with writing

God Bless The USA


Offline Pat/Rick

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2011, 08:02:59 PM »
maybe this country needs its rooftops designated as polling places  >:(

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2011, 11:40:23 PM »
I say we waterboard him and find out the truth!   >:(


Offline Junior1942

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2011, 03:24:36 AM »
You forgot to mention all that melanin in his skin.  Can you imagine how much of this BS will be posted near the election? 

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2011, 03:39:59 AM »
Jr, most of this stuff was started not by Republicans, but the Clinton campaign back in 2008.  Igm270 said he read both books, and there are conflicts and discrepencies in both. 

Some say he was born in Kenya. (not legal president)

Some say, if he was an American citizen, he claimed to be a foreign student to get an education hear. (fraud and lies)

Some say he was a CIA operative when he visited Pakistan back around the late 70's or early 80's.  (thus the cover ups)

Why has he spent so much money keeping his records sealed?  All other presidents have opened their records, exposed their strengths and weaknesses.  They have lots of childhood, early adult, and adult pictures, records and history. 

Why is Obama's past so closed and very few pictures or friends and associates from high school and college? 

Lots of ligitimate questions. 

Why didn't he read his own books and get to facts straight before letting them be published? 

Jr, you know that even Hillary Clinton would have been a better president than Obama.  Bill was sleasy, but he did compromise with Republicans and got a few things done.  Obama will not compromise, he set his agenda, even when the majority of Americans dissagreed.  This is arrogant.  This is elitist liberalism. 

They are now blaming Republicans for not passing this years budget, when it was supposed to be the Dems budget passed last fall which they didn't pass.  Congress passed their budget, The senate lead by Dems hasn't passed theirs.  They are to have two proposed budgets from both houses, then they compromise the two to send to the president.  Dems have dragged their feet in the senate.  Who is to blame there. 

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2011, 03:53:53 AM »
LGM270. Good read, thanks. All this was known before the pantywetters elected him, they didn't care. They got their change. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2011, 04:15:20 AM »
To me, the Obamanation is just another Dumbycrat.  They're all phonies, fakers and dipwads.

Offline wreckhog

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2011, 04:26:44 AM »
Originally I regarded the "birther" issue as a pointless distraction.  Since then, I have read  and cross-checked both of Obama's books  Dreams From My Father (DFMF) and Audacity of Hope (AOH). I have  studied his background  and have carefully reviewed all of the photographs of him and his family (the Dunhams) that I could find. I believe that his personal  history  before entering Harvard Law School in or about 1988 is a complete fabrication created for him by ghost writers and handlers.   Moreover, much of the information on his mother and grandparents is also very dubious.  The Grandad supposedly served in the US Army during WW2, but photos show him wearing USMC uniforms.  :-\ 

Photos of Obama’s background are forgeries and frauds.

If you Google  Barack Obama nd hit "Images" take a good look at his family photos of when he was a child and adolscent. Most of the photos are obvious composits that were cut and pasted from other photographs.   One example is a purported picture of him with his grandparents in New York in 1983. He is wearing his wedding ring, notwithstanding that he  did not meet Michelle until 1989 and did not marry her until 1992.  Who do you know that wears a wedding right for 9 years before getting married? No one.   The picture is an obvious  “cut and paste” of other photos  produced to legitimize his purported attendance at  Columbia University in NYC.

 The young Obama photos show an adolescent Obama with a nose that is visibly narrower than his current nose. Then his law school photos show him with a nose  that is  broad  like it looks now.  Did he get a nose job to make his nose bigger?   I don’t think so.

 One of the high school group photos shows him with a Negro head pasted on a white person's body.  The Negro head has a broad nose, but  the body  on to which it has been pasted has a bare left arm revealed by a rolled up sleeve (whoever heard of long sleeved shirts in Hawaii?) and it is white!     

Another high school group photo, a basketball team picture,  shows  a teenaged Obama  in his basketball jersey with team mates.  His arms are of a black person, but his face is noticeably different from other Obama photos of that  time of his life. Unlike the aforementioned group photo of Obama with a white person's body and a broad nose, the basket ball team photo of Obama  shows him with a visibly narrower nose. It is obvious that there are at least three different individuals whose images were cut and pasted into school photos and family photos  and falsely represented to be Obama for the purpose of legitimizing this impostor  by providing him with a personal history.

It is not until his law school years, commencing in the fall of 1988, that the pictures actually show the current Obama,  albeit a much younger one. 

Grandparent photos are frauds

His grandfather, Stanely Dunham, supposedly served in the US Army in WW2 in Europe, but his military pictures show him wearing a USMC uniform! Look at the cover of the paper back edition of DFMF:  Grandad is wearing a USMC hat with a US Army insignia pinned on it.     Other family photos are equally dubious. 

Obama’s Two Books Contradict Each Other

Obama’s  two books contradict each other about basic facts  of his history. It should be noted that neither book has complete dates. In some cases they list a year, but not the month or day of such basic things as his birthday, parents' marriage date, etc., or anything else for that matter.  Many of the incomplete dates are just wrong.

In Dreams From  My Father (DFMF) he says his family arrived in Hawaii in 1959, but in Audacity of Hope (AOH) he says it was 1960. DFMF says his parents were married in 1960, but hi mother's divorce papers, filed in 1964, says they were married on Feb. 2, 1961.

DFMF says his father left Hawaii in 1963, but the public record (including a feature story in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin dated June 20, 1962) confirm that Sr. left Hawaii in June 1962 to start classes at Harvard in September 1962. Thus,  Obama’s claim that his father left when  Obama Jr. was 2 is a lie. Obama Jr. was only 9 mos at the time.

DFMF says that  Obama SR left the family to fulfill his lofty destiny to go to Harvard, but at another place it quotes Ann Dunham Obama as saying that that  Obama SR was not to blame for leaving  because she "divorced" him.  In fact,  Obama Sr. left for Harvard  in 1962 and Ann Dunham Obama  didn't file divorce papers until 1964, two years later.  By the time she filed for divorce, Obama SR was already long gone for two years.

AOH says Obama met Michelle  in 1988 after his first year at Harvard Law during a summer job at a Chicago law firm where Michelle was already admitted to the bar and was practicing law. Well, the Illinois State Supreme Court web site says Michelle was not admitted to the Illinois bar until 1989, one year later. The public record and most biographies on BHO say he started Harvard Law in the fall of 1988 which means he would have met Michelle in 1989 rather than 1988. Thus with one misrepresentation, BHO misrepresents his personal relationship with his wife as well as his educational and employment backgrounds. How does this guy fill out a job application if he's so confused about the most basic facts of his educational, professional and employment backgrounds?  We're told this man is a genius, the smartest ever to be president, but he can't even get his own personal history straight.

In AOH Obama praises Michelle's family, and talks about all their "sacrifices" and "challenges". (Unlike Obama's mother and father, Michelle's parents actually raised and supported their own children instead of fobbing them off on a dysfunctional, alcoholic grandparent like Obama's mother did him). 

Curiously,  Obama says Michelle's father died "six months" after they first met in 1988. Well, the public record shows her father died in March 1991, three years after he says they first met. This guy doesn't know the difference between six months and three years? How did he practice law with such a weird, dysfunctional, distorted sense of time? If his personal history is so replete with mistakes,  what must his written legal work have been like? 

Obama’s marriage is also a source of controversy.   If you Google the Obama Marriage, you’ll find three different dates referring to it:  October 3, October 10, and October 18,  1992.  A Certificate of Marriage from Cook County Illinois says it was  October 3, 1992.  Ordinarily a public figure’s wedding date would not mean much, but with the Obamas  even this  simple unremarkable event is the subject of confusion and misinformation.   

More astonishing, AOH, which has so many mistakes about Obama’s  and Michelle's background, acknowledges that Michelle assisted in writing it. Here's another Harvard educated lawyer who read a manuscript and didn't catch the mistake about the year she was admitted to practicing law? Hard to believe. Not only does she not know when she was admitted to practice or when she met her husband, but she doesn't know when her own father died relative to her introducing  Obama to her family. Also, BHO acknowledges that a staff member spent an entire summer "fact checking" the manuscript of AOH. How do you spend an entire summer "fact checking" a soft ball puff piece like BHO's phony ghost written book and then screw up on so many facts that are obviously wrong?

There is something very wrong about these phony money grubbing affirmative action Negroes who can't even get their own personal biographies correct...separate and apart from  Obama's refusal to produce a valid birth certificate. There is also something weird about their openly professed hatred of white people and America in DFMF: Obama, his father, and his perpetually angry, white hating wife all got Harvard educations, courtesy of the dirty rotten white racists for whom they all express  so much  open hatred.  I only know of one family that has as many Harvard graduates....the Kennedys. 

This impostor is a complete fraud. His history has been created for him by ghostwriters and handlers. That is why even he  can’t get his own history correct.  He keeps confusing his real personal history with the contrived history created for him by his handlers.     

Who is the man who controls America's nuclear arsenal?   We have a right to know.  This is an important issue that must not be abandoned.
Post the links to the pictures. Just saying "Google it" does not really mean much.

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2011, 05:36:42 AM »
Igm270 said he read both of Obama' books.  Get his books and read them for yourself.  I assumed the photos were in the books. 

Offline wreckhog

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2011, 05:40:04 AM »
Igm270 said he read both of Obama' books.  Get his books and read them for yourself.  I assumed the photos were in the books.
You know what they say about ASSUME.

If you Google  Barack Obama nd hit "Images" take a good look at his family photos of when he was a child and adolscent

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2011, 05:55:49 AM »
Well, I'm going to the library and get the books and see for myself.  I'm not going to buy them because I don't want to give him any money. 

If this information is contradictory in the two books, then the birthers and conspiracy theorists may be on to something.  Are the NWO people bringing down America?  I know that liberals like Soros want a "world without borders" and he wants to implement world interdependency and socialism to "avoid wars".  Only problem with socialism is it makes everyone go to the lowest common denominator, which means our growth, prosperity, inovation, wealth, will be brought down to "spread the wealth around" not just in America, but world wide. 

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2011, 06:21:02 AM »
I have a question.
How many states adopted the law that the Presidential candidates need to prove eligibility to run laws?
Can He win with out those states if he does not satisfy the requirements?

Offline lakota

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2011, 06:29:26 AM »
You forgot to mention all that melanin in his skin.  Can you imagine how much of this BS will be posted near the election?

Here we go!!!!!!! You have no productive counter argument so you start making veiled accusations of RACISM!!!!!

I dont think this liberal debate tactic carries much weight anymore
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline Junior1942

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2011, 06:39:11 AM »
You forgot to mention all that melanin in his skin.  Can you imagine how much of this BS will be posted near the election?

Here we go!!!!!!! You have no productive counter argument so you start making veiled accusations of RACISM!!!!!

I dont think this liberal debate tactic carries much weight anymore
A "productive counter argument" has no effect.  You guys just keep on keeping on with the BS long after it's been proven as BS.  Illogical racism is the only reason I can see which would cause otherwise logical people to ignore a mountain of evidence and court rulings against the birthers. 

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2011, 07:01:58 AM »
And just where is this mountain of evidence again? The two versions of birth certificates? Or maybe I should just take the words of the idiot governor of Hawaii or of the liar Obama himslef? Court rulings? The courts are just another arm of the same corrupt insect.

Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline lgm270

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2011, 07:52:52 AM »
Igm270 said he read both of Obama' books.  Get his books and read them for yourself.  I assumed the photos were in the books.

The photos are not in his books, except for one picture of his Grandfather on the cover of the paperback edition of Dreams From My Father.  That's the one where he's wearing a Marine Corps. hat with a US Army badge on the front of it.  I will post links to the photos, which have been released from Obama as part of the family collection.

I recommend that all people read Obama's books.  Take notes of the dates (incomplete though they are)  and  pay close attention to the "timeline" of his personal history.   I will post links to the photos and will cite to specific page numbers in the books.

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2011, 08:01:10 AM »
You forgot to mention all that melanin in his skin.  Can you imagine how much of this BS will be posted near the election?

I would be interested in any facts you can produce to refute any statement I made.  Do you have any?

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2011, 08:04:42 AM »
Thanks Igm270.  I've heard enough of liberals defending him.  I've seen the destruction he is doing to America as we knew it.  Why did he increase the Department of Education budget in 2009 which was $30 something billion to the 2010 budget of $70 something billion.  I just read this somewhere this morning.  Republicans want to cut back to 2008 levels of spending, but no the Dems won't hear of it.  Bailouts should never have happened, bankrupcy should have.  If the debt of the US exceeds $20 trillion, we are bankrupt as a nation.  At that point tax revenues will only pay the interest on the debt.  China, Japan and others could cash in and our dollar would be worthless overnight.  Our debt is $14 trillion now and Dems want to raise the ceiling.  Not enough people who are self sufficient in this country anymore.  Too many hands in the cookie jar.  Japan is having their own problems but own about $1 trillion of our debt, and they may cash in.  China and India are buying gold like crazy, because they are afraid of the failure of the dollar down the road.  Obama and the Dems need to offer real cuts and real solutions, not just keep taxing and spending. 

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2011, 08:44:48 AM »  Lots of counter information.

The liberal nazi left keep focusing on a birth certificate that has now seen another posted that says different. Yet they hold fast to the one ideal without wanting to search further. How long before they only want one candidate on the ballot?

Racism? really? junior, would you like me to arrange for my mixed race grandson to answer that for ya? How about my son in law?

When America does fall, the screaming liberals will think that folks who are responsible should share their food and clothes with them. Even demand that gooberment take away from the have's and give to the have not's. How much will be left to distribute after "the war"? I'll burn mine first.  >:(  Mine is for the benefit of MY family.  >:(

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2011, 08:57:31 AM »
Soros can afford proofreaders. Kinda throws that argument out the window.

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2011, 09:04:41 AM »
soros' arrogance probably didn't think it necessary.

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2011, 01:22:27 PM »
....  Bailouts should never have happened, bankrupcy should have.  ....
I agree with you 100%, but maybe you haven't heard--GWB started the bailouts, not Obama.  For example, the entire Chrysler bailout happened under GWB, not BHO.  So all those trillions of dollars were spent/wasted because of GWB, not BHO.

Someone mentioned birther "truth."  The truth I'd like to know is how the heck Obama went back in time and put those birth announcements in two Hawaiian newspapers.  That was quite a trick.  And the video of his Kenyan grandma just simply talking, not saying at all that he was born in Kenya.  Who edited that video to make her simply talk?  And those certificates of birth posted on the Internet and claiming he was born in Hawaii--who poorly forged those certificates to say he was born in Hawaii when we all know he wasn't?  Questions, questions. The truth will emerge one of these days.

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2011, 01:41:11 PM »
If he was born in Hawaii, then did he get his tuition paid at Occidental college for foreign students?  Why won't they release the records?  Bush's, Clintons, both were released.  Why has he spent over $200,000 in legal fees to have his records sealed?  What is he hiding?  I read somewhere that he was a CIA operative after leaving Occidental College for a while.  That might explain a lot and his trips to Pakistan, and his having several social security numbers.   

Bush started the bailout as a loan for Chrysler and GM, but Obama changed the "loan" to government ownership of 60% of the stock.  That is not a loan.  It is a takeover.  Obama had another $750 billion added to what Bush started and increased the budget in 2010 from 2009 figures by 70 something percent.  Bush was interviewed about a year after leaving office on Fox News by someone, and he said he was against the bailouts, but Gietner pushed them.  He said if he had it to do over, he wouldn't have asked or pushed for them.  Remember it was a Democratic congress who wanted it also, and voted for it.  Most Republicans voted against the bailouts if you remember.  Can't keep kicking the can down the road.  Got to pay all that back to the creditors like China and Japan some day. 

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2011, 02:27:12 PM »
If he was born in Hawaii, then did he get his tuition paid at Occidental college for foreign students?
I do believe that you made this up.

And here is the "truth".

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2011, 02:37:55 PM »
I am following up with a detailed analysis of the two books, as follows.

Initially, I dismissed the "birther" challenges to Barack Obama's legitimacy and refusal to produce a credible birth certificate as pointless distractions from more important questions. Since then I have studied Obama in detail and I have carefully read and cross-checked both of his books, Dreams From My Father (DFMF), published in 1995, and The Audacity of Hope (AOH), published in 2006. Although both books are apparently ghost written, the real issue is not so much whether Obama wrote them, but whether or not he even bothered to read them after they were written by others for publication under his name. They are replete with contradictions and inconsistencies, as more specifically set forth below.

The purpose of this post is to analyze the factual contradictions between (1) the two books and (2) between the two books and the public record with respect to the timeline and historical narrative of Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) and his family, the Dunhams and his purported Kenyan father, BHO SR.

The Dunham’s Arrival in Hawaii: In DFMF, Obama says his family (the Dunhams) arrived in Hawaii in 1959. (p. 23) In AOH, however, he says it was 1960 (p. 29) .

Birth of Ann Dunham in 1942:

Conflicting claims and controversy surrounding the circumstances of birth are not limited to Obama Jr, but extend to his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham as well. According to the family mythology, the grandfather, Stanley Dunham, enlisted in the US Army the day after Pearl Harbor and ended up at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas before being deployed to Europe and achieving the rank of sergeant. Wartime pictures produced by the family, however, show him wearing a U.S. Marine Corps uniform, including a USMC officer’s hat with a US Army badge pinned on it. One of these pictures appears on the cover of the paper back edition of DFMF. There is no explanation of why a US Army non-com would be issued a Marine Corps. Uniform and hat.

For US Army Enlisted Man's Visor Hat from WWII, see the following:

At p. 15, DFMF Obama flashes back over the family history during WW2 and says that “…my mother [Stanley Ann Dunham] is born at the army base where Gramps is stationed.”

Well…Ann Dunham’s birth certificate surfaced and it says she was born in St. Francis Hospital in Sedgwick, Kansas. This is a small town approximately 200 miles southwest of Ft. Leavenworth. Stanley Ann Dunham's Birth Certificate REVEALED.

This is just one of many examples of Obama’s departing from the truth about a seemingly insignificant detail of family history.

Marriage of Ann Dunham to Barack Obama Sr:

In DFMR, at page 12, he says his parents were married in 1960. Divorce papers filed by Ann Dunham Obama, in January 1964 in Hawaii, however, state the date of marriage as February 2, 1961, although no known official record of that marriage appears to exist. Obama 1964 Divorce Papers - 13 Pages - Missing Pg 11. Ann says Barack Jr was the only child of this marriage and lists his date of birth as August 4, 1961. Interestingly enough, Ann obtained a court order authorizing service of process on Barack Obama Sr. by US Mail because he was allegedly residing in Cambridge, Mass., where he would have been attending Harvard University. Barack Sr. never responded to the service of process and never appeared in the divorce action in any way. As an alcoholic, a slick womanizer who enjoyed the favors of numerous white women, and a serial polygamist who did not support any of his many children with four or more different women and who intended to return to Kenya, it is possible that Obama SR was unclear on the concept of child support didn’t think it was worth the effort to participate in the proceedings in which Ann charged him with mental cruelty.

The Cause of the Divorce Between Ann and Barack Obama Sr.

DFMF has conflicting versions of the cause of the separation of his parents. At P. 10, DFMF says that after graduating from University of Hawaii in June 1962, Barack Sr. “…won another scholarship-this time to pursue his Ph.D. at Harvard-but not the money to take his new family with him. A separation occurred, and he returned to Africa to fulfill his promise to the continent. The mother and child stayed behind, but the bond of love survived the distances.”

Well, the bond of love didn’t survive for very long because in January 1964, Ann filed a petition for divorce in Hawaii alleging mental cruelty.

Notwithstanding the foregoing at p. 10 of DFMF, at page 125, Obama refers to a discussion of the separation with his mother, who was visiting him in New York City in the early 1980s. Obama quotes her as follows: “It wasn’t your father’s fault that he left, you know. I divorced him.”

Well, did Barack Sr. leave Ann because she divorced him, as stated on p. 125, or because he was following a higher calling and a higher duty to his African homeland as stated at p. 10? There is no explanation for these contradictory accounts.

Barack Obama Sr. and His Departure from Hawaii:

In DFMF, Obama says his father left Hawaii for Harvard in 1963 (p. 5). The public record, however, including a feature story about Obama Sr. that appeared in the Honolulu Star Bulletin dated June 20, 1962, which reported that Obama Sr. was leaving “next week “for the mainland to tour American universities and commence post graduate studies at Harvard. At p. 26 of DFMF, Obama says he found this story in some family papers, but he carefully omits any reference to its date. However if you Google “Barack Obama Sr. you will find a detailed citation to this article. The conventional version of the Obama family saga is that Obama Sr. commenced his studies at Harvard in the Fall semester of 1962. He was long gone before 1963. Barack Obama, Sr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

DFMF says: that in 1962, Obama SR received a scholarship, “…this time to pursue his Ph.D at Harvard…”, thus creating the impression that BHO SR actually received his Doctorate. In fact Obama SR did not get a Ph.D either at Harvard or anywhere else, even though he referred to himself as “Doctor Obama” at Harvard and later after he returned to Kenya. In Kenya, he was widely known as “Doctor Obama” even though he never received more than a Master’s degree. (See DFMF at p. 305.) In July 1965, after leaving Harvard and returning to Kenya, Obama Sr published an article in the East Africa Journal. The introductory profile says: “Barak [sic] H. Obama read his economics at Harvard University. He is currently in Nairobi working for his doctorate.” In The Obamas, BBC journalist Peter Firstbrook spent many months in Kenya researching the history of the Obama family and he confirmed that Obama Sr. never obtained his doctorate degree, even though he insisted on calling himself “Dr. Obama.” The Obamas eBook: Peter Firstbrook: Kindle Store
Amazon Amazon
See Firstbrook interviewed on BookTV.

Obama Jr. in Africa

DFMF pursues his dreams of knowing his father and travels to Africa in the 1980’s, to explore and celebrate the wonders of “black culture.” The first thing that happens is that the black airport attendants lose his baggage. After several days he returns with his African sister to the airport to follow up on the whereabouts of his lost luggage, and he reports the following interaction with the African employees, at p. 320-321:

“After two days, I still hadn’t recovered by bag. The airline office down town told us to call the airport, but whenever we tried the lines were always busy. Auma [his half sister] finally suggested that we drive out there ourselves. At the British Airways desk we found two young women discussing a nightclub that had just opened. I interrupted their conversation to ask about my bag, and one of them thumbed listlessly through a stack of papers.

Attendant: “We have no record of you here,’ she said.”

Obama: “Please check again.”

“The woman shrugged. ‘If you wish, you can come back tonight at midnight. A flight from Johannesburg comes in at that time.’

Obama: “I was told my bag would be delivered to me.”

Attendant: “I’m sorry, but I have no record of your bag here. If you like, you can fill out another form.’

Obama: “Is Miss Omoro here? She—“

Attendant: “Omoro is on vacation.”

Obama’s sister: “Who else can we talk to here, since you don’t seem to know anything.”

Attendant: “Go downtown if you want to talk to someone else,” the woman said curtly before returning to her conversation [about the new nightclub].”

How’s that for irony? Obama writes a 400 page book about dirty rotten racist white people who built America on the backs of poor oppressed blacks and with the “blood of slaves,” and then goes to Africa and gets blown off by his own people! The hated white man rolled out the red carpet for him at Harvard, but his own beloved Negroes basically tell him to go screw himself after they lose his baggage.

Obama’s Confusing, Inaccurate Narrative of His Education and Employment History:

Although AOH is more political than autobiographical and consists largely of essays on various political issues, it still contains substantial autobiographical and person information about Obama and his family, including his mother, his grandparents (the Dunhams), his wife (Michelle Robinson Obama) and the Robinson family.

Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Duhnam Obama Soetoro, and his grand parents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, are prominently featured in AOH although not as extensively as in DFMF. Curiously, they are neither identified by name and nor referenced in the book’s index in any manner. Detailed discussions of his mother and family members appear in AOH at pp. 29-30, 66-67, and 202-208 for those who are interested.

Likewise, although his wife Michelle is featured prominently in AOH and is even thanked and acknowledged for her assistance in the afterward “Acknowledgments” section, neither she nor the Robinson family are listed in the index of AOH. [DFMF has no index. You have to make one as you go along.]

AOH has only one complete date: January 4, 2005 when Obama was sworn in to the US Senate. (AOH, page 15). Thus, it has some of the same psychadelic, surrealistic style of DFMF, even though it is more political than person. Nevertheless, many of the few dates there either conflict with dates in DFMF or with the public record of Obama’s personal history.

Preliminarily, it should be noted that the “Acknowledgements” section of AOH names almost 40 people who read and commented on the manuscript, including his wife, Michelle, and such well knowns as David Axelrod, Cass Sustein and Robert Gibbs. In addition, he acknowledges a former staffer, Madhuri Kommareddi, who he says “…devoted the summer before she entered Yale Law School to fact-check the entire manuscript.”

With all of this assistance and a full time fact checker you would think his book would authoritatively set forth the personal details about his own life timeline and history, but such is not the case at all.

At Page 327, Obama makes the following statement:

I met Michelle in the summer of 1988, while we were both working at Sidley & Austin, a large corporate law firm based in Chicago. Although she is three years younger than me, Michelle was already a practicing lawyer, having attended Harvard Law straight out of college. I had just finished my first year at law school and had been hired as a summer associate.”

The problem is that this is demonstrably wrong. According to the Illinois State Supreme Court Web site, Michelle Robinson, later Michelle Obama was not admitted to the Illinois bar until May 1989, the following year. She was not licensed to practice law in 1988.

Obama entered Harvard Law School in the fall of 1988 and the end of his first year was 1989, not 1988. Thus, Obama worked at Sidley and Austin in the summer of 1989, not 1988.

Why is this important? It’s important because it is highly unusual for professional, college educated people to be unable to accurately and truthfully relate their employment and education history, whether or not their work is reviewed by a full time “fact-checker” as was AOH, or not.

This is not the only mistake in the Obama timeline. At page 232 of AOH, he says that “Six months after Michelle and I met, her father died suddenly of complications after a kidney operation. I flew back to Chicago and stood at his gravesite, Michelle’s head on my shoulder. As the casket was lowered, I promised Frasier Robinson that I would take care of his girl.”

Unfortunately for Obama, public records show that Frasier Robinson, Michelle’s father, actually died in March 1991. Fraser Robinson III This is three years after 1988, and two years after the correct date of his first meeting Michelle in 1989. According to AOH, Obama was very close to the Robinson family whom he described as hard working, principled salt of the earth and with whom he bonded. That being said, isn’t it somewhat strange that he can’t remember whether he knew the family for only six months or for two years before the father, (for whom he professed so much respect) passed away in March 1991?

Why does it matter whether it’s 1988 or 1989? It matters because this is just one of a multitude of contradictions, inconsistencies and disinformations promulgated in connection with the murky, shadowy Obama narrative. It must be remembered that Michelle Obama read this manuscript before it was published and even she did not catch the error about (1) when she was admitted to practicing law, (2) when she worked at Sidley and Austen and (3) when she met her husband. This is astounding in that the “best and the brightest” who both graduated from Harvard Law and rose to the White House are incapable of truthfully and accurately relating their own personal, educational and employment histories, even when they’re working with a full time “fact checker.” Taken alone, this single misrepresentation might not be particularly important, but when placed in the turbulent, controversial and murky history of the Obama saga, it is one of many examples of disinformation and propaganda.

When Obama critics get a date wrong they are pummeled with condemnation by Obama supporters. Yet the Obama camp is perfectly reconciled with the fact that both Obama and his Harvard educated wife are confused about their personal histories and can’t keep their stories straight from one book to the next.

The fact that this Harvard educated President and First Lady can’t provide an accurate, consistent narrative of the most basic facts of their personal and professional histories suggests that their history was created for them by ghost writers and handlers. We have a right to ask questions about Obama’s birth certificate and many more details about his life and family. We have a right, and even a duty to ask: Who is this man who is the President and why is he so secretive and so seemingly confused about his own personal background?

The issue of Obama's birth certificate is important, but it's only a small part of the riddle of who this person really is.

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2011, 03:46:07 PM »
Thanks for all the work. I found the mother's birth certificate to be unreadable. Then you basically lost me at beloved Negroes. Pursuing a PhD is not the same as getting a PhD, and thousands of student with ABD would tell you that. Then there is just a lot of criticism of style, and dates which are less than a year off. The Michelle bar thing is worth looking at.

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2011, 03:47:07 PM »
Hey, lgm270, your words and even your punctuation are an exact copy of this:

White News Now, huh?  Did someone previously say something about racism?

PS: go wash your sheets.

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Re: Obama: An Imposter with a Fabricated History
« Reply #29 on: April 06, 2011, 04:06:55 PM »

“I met Michelle in the summer of 1988, while we were both working at Sidley & Austin, a large corporate law firm based in Chicago. Although she is three years younger than me, Michelle was already a practicing lawyer, having attended Harvard Law straight out of college. I had just finished my first year at law school and had been hired as a summer associate.”

The problem is that this is demonstrably wrong. According to the Illinois State Supreme Court Web site, Michelle Robinson, later Michelle Obama was not admitted to the Illinois bar until May 1989, the following year. She was not licensed to practice law in 1988.

Thanks for all the work. I found the mother's birth certificate to be unreadable. Then you basically lost me at beloved Negroes. Pursuing a PhD is not the same as getting a PhD, and thousands of student with ABD would tell you that. Then there is just a lot of criticism of style, and dates which are less than a year off. The Michelle bar thing is worth looking at.

As it turns out, in Illinois, a law student, like Michelle, can "practice law", although they cannot call themselves Esq or Attorney at Law, etc.

In Cook County many branch courts sit simultaneously and many pretrial and motion calls are held at the same time. It is often difficult or impossible for an attorney to answer every call for which he is attorney-of-record. This problem is occasionally solved by the use of clerks or law students to anser such calls, explain the attorney's absence, and request a continuance. The question is at what point do such appearances constitute the unauthorized practice of law?

Specifically, the question is whether law students, other than those licensed under Illinois Supreme Court Rule 711, may make court appearances on behalf of attorneys to request continuances. Such students are not authorized to practice law, so the question becomes, does such action constitute the practice of law? The Illinois Appellate Court, First District, has held that requesting a continuance does not amount to the unauthorized practice of law.

The definition of practice of law is the province of the courts, rather than the legislatures. Lowell Bar Assn. v. Loeb, 315 Mass. 176, 52 N.E. 2d 27 (1943); People ex rel. Chicago Bar Assn. v. Goodman, 366 Ill. 346, 8 N.E.2d 941 (1937). The courts have not attempted to arrive at a comprehensive definition of the practice of law. Id. At 351. The line drawn by the courts usually divides between ministerial or preparatory matters and activities amounting to "management" of the litigation. Law Clerks and The Unauthorized Practice of Law, 46 Chi [-] Kent L. Rev. 214 (1969). (See EXHIBIT H1-H9). The Supreme Court of Washington, in defining the limits of clerk's participation stated:

The line of demarcation as to where their work begins and where it ends cannot always be drawn with absolute distinction or accuracy. Probably as nearly as it can be fixed, and it is sufficient to say that it is work of a preparatory nature, such as research, investigation of

details, the assemblage of data and other necessary information, and such other work as will assist the employing attorney in carrying the matter to a completed product, either by his personal examination and approval thereof, or by additional effort on his part. The work must be such, however, as loses its separate identity and becomes either the product, or else merged in the product, of the attorney himself.

Ferris v. Snively, 172 Wash. 167, 176-77, 19 P.2d 942, 945-946 (1933).

If the work of the student clerk is such that it assumes an identity of its own, that is it reflects his own management of the litigation rather than ministerial work under the direction of an attorney, it constitutes the unauthorized practice of law. One is practicing law when s/he "assumes the general control of the action." Tom Edwards Chevrolet, Inc. v. Air-Cel, Inc., 13 Ill App. 3d 378, 379, 300 N.E.2d 312, 313 (2d Dist. 1973).

The legal profession, perhaps wisely, has declined to attempt to define the nature of legal services. It only asserts a monopoly over the exercise of 'professional judgement' on behalf of clients.....

Siegfried Hesse, "General Practitioners and Legal Assistants: A Position Paper," 36 Unauthorized Practice News, 1, 2 (March, 1971).

It would seem that a purely ministerial act, such as asking for a continuance date at the direction of an attorney would not amount to management or control of the litigation, or the exercise of professional judgment. This view was adopted in Illinois in the case of People v. Alexander, 53 Ill. App. 2d 299, 202 N.E.2d 841 (1st Dist. 1964). (See EXHIBIT Il-I3). The Alexander case involved an appeal from a judgement adjudging defendant guilty of contempt of court for the unauthorized practice of law. Alexander, a law student clerk, had appeared and advised the court that the trial attorney was engaged in a trial in the federal court. The appellate court, in reversing the contempt conviction, stated:

We agree with the trial judge that clerks should not be permitted to make motions or participate in other proceedings which can be considered as 'managing' the litigation. However, if apprising the court of an employer's engagement or inability to be present constitutes the making of a motion, we must hold that clerks may make such motions for continuances without being guilty of the unauthorized practice of law. Certainly with the large volume of cases appearing on the trial calls these days, it is imperative that this practice be followed.

Id. At 843.

In reaching this conclusion, the court recognized the necessity of protecting both the public and the legal profession against the dangers of the practice of law by those not professionally trained and educated. But when the activities performed by clerks or student are purely ministerial, these interests ate outweighed by the need to assure more efficient operation of the courts and to more properly allocate the skills and efforts of attorneys:

We cannot add to the heavy burden of lawyers who in addition to responding to trial calls must answer pretrial calls and motions calls - all held in the morning - by insisting that a lawyer must personally appear to present to a court a motion for a continuance on grounds of engagement or inability to appear because of illness or other unexpected circumstances. To reduce the backlog, trial lawyers should be kept busy actually trying lawsuits and not answering court calls.

Id. At 844.