Went to the range today to test some RAMSHOT Enforcer powder with my 190 gr Ranch Dog cast bullets. Had them loaded up in steps: 13/13.5/14/14.5/15 grs. All within published limits for cast loads.
Shooting 3 rds of each starting with the lowest, the 14gr put 3 touching at 50yds. Shot one 14.5 and then on the next round, a FTF, or so I thought. Misfired once, pulled the hammer back and let it have a full trigger pull, FTF, nothing. (I had good ear protection on, sounded like a FTF) Opened the breech and the brass popped out like an ejector! Bullet is stuck just beyond the chamber in the barrel. So I'm thinking.....you dummy, you forgot to add the powder and the primer just went off and stuck the bullet. However on further inspection..........way to much crystallized residue in the chamber. I don't think the powder ignited properly. I only loaded 15 bullets all by hand, so I'm almost 100% positive there was powder in them all. Apparently the chamber sealed and held pressure of some kind until opened, popped that brass way out. Hasn't hurt anything.......just gotta knock the bullet out.
This may need to be in the reloading section, but because it was one of my FAVORITE Handi's, thought I would get you all's opinion on this.