Hi All,
Couple of new mounts from two different taxidermists.
This boar was shot at Wild Hill in VT in April 2010. Weighed 325. The work was done by one of those taxidermist shops featured on TV recently. I'm not crazy about it....no real artistry and I hate the plastic jaw parts....I asked for composite tusks which when painted correctly are hard to tell from the real thing. Nothing special except an over the top price...more then $100 over the Boar I had done a year ago. If you look at my site below, you'll see I have quite a bit of experience with boar mounts.
Not bad work...just unimpressive.
This sheep was also shot at WHP in September 2010. Went to another different taxidermist. Nice job I think. The right horn had significant damage and required allot of repair...did a good job, I'm happy with this mount.