Author Topic: New fast do these barrels heat up?!  (Read 933 times)

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New fast do these barrels heat up?!
« on: April 24, 2011, 07:02:37 AM »
I took my savage 17hmr to the range for the second time yesterday. It is a standard barrel. Shooting at 25 yards First group was (estimating) 3/4inch.
The second and third groups were OK but after that I was getting 4inch groups.  My last grouping I was aiming at a bullseye. First shot was an inch low but dead center, the next four shots were exactly the same except with each shot, it moved over to the left an inch from the previous shot. It literally looks like I was trying to shoot a line of holes spaced perfectly apart.

The entire time shooting I would feel the barrel for heat thinking that was the problem. It was warm but in no way even close to being uncomfortable to touch.

Is this a heat problem or should I be checking the scope? I cant imagine 15 shots heating it up so much that it cant even group 1inch at 25 yards. This trip to the range was supposed to be me finishing zeroing it out but now I feel as if I have to start over. On the plus side I did hit a 8 inch target with my tiny LCP .380 at 25 yards a few times

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Re: New fast do these barrels heat up?!
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2011, 09:50:26 AM »
With that much movement of POI at 25 yards you have a much bigger problem than barrel heating!  My first check would be scope mounting, then action to stock mounting.  I have a Savage 93V17 and it will shoot into one inch at 75 yards all day long.  It will probably do it at 100 yards, too, I just have it zeroed for 75.  I'd be looking for something loose! :(
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Re: New fast do these barrels heat up?!
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2011, 10:50:20 AM »
Yeah I figured it wasnt heat related. I did have the same problem the first time I shot it while sighting it in. The groups were OK but starting going haywire after a bit. I DID have a bipod on the front but I doubt the rifle weighs enough to bend the forearm into the barrel. I better check for free-float too! I cant move the scope at all by hand. I'll go over it and see if I can find anything wrong. I gotta invest in a gun vise for sighting in

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Re: New fast do these barrels heat up?!
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2011, 12:58:48 PM »
Well the barrel was absolutely not free floated, it was tight against the very end of the stock. I trimmed probably 1/8 away and can now fit paper between the barrel and stock the entire length of the forearm. While I understand this was a problem, it still doesnt account for accuracy at the start of my shooting going to hell after a few clips.

Hopefully next weekend I can make it to the range for another try.

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Re: New fast do these barrels heat up?!
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2011, 01:32:35 PM »
Carefully check over your scope mounting.  That is far more likely the problem than the stock.
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Re: New fast do these barrels heat up?!
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2011, 02:19:17 PM »
Well I found the problem. The front top portion of the ring had the smallest  bit of play ( I checked these before and it was fine! )

This mistake cost me a few boxes of ammo.. but to make myself feel better I will just call it "barrel break-in" hehe. Thanks keith. Im gonna get some lock-tight for the ring screws.

While going over the gun I noticed the action  screw behind the trigger guard that mounts the stock to the action has a small washer on it, however the one in front of the guard doesnt have one. I wonder if some guy at the factory made an oopsie. Oh well. Cant wait to go shoot it! I'll lose my mind if it doesnt group next trip to the range. I think I may adjust the trigger while Im there too.