Author Topic: Massachusetts Votes to Strip Union Workers of Collective Bargaining Rights  (Read 1980 times)

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Offline carbineman

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Shhh: Massachusetts Democrat Dictators Vote to Limit Public Sector Union Collective Bargaining "Rights" When the Republican dictator Governor of Wisconsin accomplishes it with a series of high-profile votes, all hell breaks loose.  When the Democrat-dominated Massachusetts House passes it by a huge margin -- crickets:

House lawmakers voted overwhelmingly last night to strip police officers, teachers, and other municipal employees of most of their rights to bargain over health care, saying the change would save millions of dollars for financially strapped cities and towns.

The 111-to-42 vote followed tougher measures to broadly eliminate collective bargaining rights for public employees in Ohio, Wisconsin, and other states. But unlike those efforts, the push in Massachusetts was led by Democrats who have traditionally stood with labor to oppose any reduction in workers’ rights.(Privileges)

DeLeo said the House measure would save $100 million for cities and towns in the upcoming budget year, helping them avoid layoffs and reductions in services. He called his plan one of the most significant reforms the state can adopt to help control escalating health care costs.

“By spending less on the health care costs of municipal employees, our cities and towns will be able to retain jobs and allot more funding to necessary services like education and public safety,’’ he said in a statement.

But union leaders said that even with the last-minute concessions, the bill was an assault on workers’ rights, unthinkable in a state that has long been a bastion of union support. Some Democrats accused DeLeo of following the lead of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin and other Republicans who have targeted public employee benefits

By the looks of that quote in bold, it seems as though Speaker DeLeo hired Scott Walker's speechwriter.  Meanwhile, the Bay State's liberal Democratic Governor, Deval Patrick, has lent some mild support to the measure and is urging incensed labor leaders to "dial down" their heated rhetoric in opposing the bill:

There’s “room for debate” about whether a House-passed bill gives labor unions enough of a seat at the table on health insurance issues, Gov. Deval Patrick said today, adding that he’s glad the House dealt with the controversial topic and hopes to see a final bill soon.

“I want labor to be involved,” Patrick told reporters after signing a financial literacy bill. “I want labor to be at the table.”

The governor also urged labor unions, who are comparing the House plan to the stripping of collective bargaining rights that has occurred in Wisconsin, to pull back on their commentary. “They should dial it down because that’s not what’s happening here,” said Patrick, who plans to visit Wisconsin on Saturday at the invitation of Democrats in that state to discuss collective bargaining issues.If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.......

True, the Wisconsin law limits the scope of government-sector employees' collective bargaining privileges to wages, whereas the Massachusetts law only constrains the public unions' ability to collectively bargain on healthcare benefits.  But the Wisconsin law exempted unions representing first responders from the new rules; the Massachusetts has no such carve-outs. 

After Gov. Walker signed his controversial bill into law, lefty commentators predicted that his actions would trigger a powerful pro-labor backlash across the country.  No dice.  Wisconsinites re-elected a conservative supreme court justice in the face of intense left-wing opposition, Ohio passed a more expansive measure, and now deep blue Massachusetts has taken a major step to do the same.  It's amazing what a little political courage can do.

UPDATE: In case you're curious about just how blue Massachusetts is, the state House is currently comprised of 128 Democrats and 32 Republicans.  All but two of the GOP lawmakers voted with the Speaker's plan.  Theoretically, every single Republican in the chamber could have voted no, and the bill still would have passed comfortably.

Offline magooch

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Maybe there is hope for this country after all, if even some Dumycrats can see that there's no money left.

Offline lakota

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hmmmm. not much activity here. Are these kinds of things only ok if a democrat is the pulling it?
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline powderman

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hmmmm. not much activity here. Are these kinds of things only ok if a democrat is the pulling it?

Thats it exactly. No whining from the libs over this, It's different if it's dems dontcha know. POWDERMAN.  ;D ;D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline billy_56081

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Kinda wondering where old scoot is?
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline carbineman

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Kinda wondering where old scoot is?
Seems like this could be ol scooter checking out ballots in Waukesha Wisconsin yet. The recount is expected to take into May or whenever the Liberal candidate takes the lead :D

Offline eye shot

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Where is Boston is it in Mass? All I can say is " The Big Dig ". The unions and the politishions ripped off the tax payers big time!
RIP Mike. Died on July 14th, around 2am, with his family at his side, he went peacefully to be with god.

Offline jimster

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Problem # 1.  The state mandates health care, no free Americans in that state. Thanks to a socialist republican.
Problem # 2.  The state unions mandate collective bargaining, they will have what they want and you'll pay for it or else.  No free Americans. How the hell did government employees ever get involved in unions anyway? If there is one place people always got paid decent compared to private sectors, it was a government job. I can see a union going into a private factory...but the government?  C'mon...government employees needing to have a union is a farce in itself, everyone should be able to see that.  Ya...sure, the union is protecting government employees from our governments.  The state and federal unions are just other little governments to grab your money, connected to the main government through a big money trail and votes.

The above is payed for by private citizens against their will, living in a Communist state, IMO.  Why waste time on this? 
Let's figure out how to stop this from happening in free states, because those left wing socialist nut cases have already put the entire county in danger.  Massachusetts is long gone when it comes to freedom of any kind.   

Offline ironglow

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Kinda wondering where old scoot is?

  ...Muat be still scooting... ;)

       There's the old maxim..  "if you abuse it; you may very well lose it" !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline saddlebum

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It will not pass the Senate and fail. Mass. will continue on into la la land and want the rest of the country to bail them out when the time comes.


Offline sidewinder319

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We have a Chinamart[Walmart] and Smith's Foods [Kroger].  We have many Union miners in or little western town. The Chinamart is non-union. Smiths Foods is union. The miners all shop at Chinamart because its cheaper. That said the power company wants cheaper coal to keep our power cost down the UMW miners go crazy. They are being deprived of their bargaining rights by big power companies. Unions are a civilian force designed to redistribute American wealth and retain the socialest Elita in power.

Offline ironglow

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Unions have long pursued the " us vs them " as FDR said, public employee unions are unworkable.  The " us vs them " is automatically " union vs the people "  ..with a self-seeking politician doing the bargaining....a recipe for disaster..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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     Part of my working life has been union involvement, I even served as union steward for some time.  Don't try top tell me there is no "us vs them" game going on..that is one of the things which sickened me of the union.  A company could be treating the employees fine and the working relationship could go on for years. 
      Only one problem..soon the workers would wonder why they are paying union dues.  At that point, union 'Boss Hoggs'
 would lose their gravy train, so they MUST cultivate the "us vs them" game and perpetuate it.  That is exactly why you hear the really dedicated union 'sippers' always complaining about  ..the corporations...big business.. big oil ..etc.  They have been brainwashed into the mindset !

   Some of us are not brainwashed so easily.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline sidewinder319

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Sorta forgot the part about Warren Buffet giving his fortune away.  Would you post the name of the very wealthy Union leaders that have given their fortunes away?? ???

Offline jimster

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Jimister.....can't you see for a minute, hypothetically, that collective bargaining,  joining labor associations, etc. IS citizens excerzing freedom and rights in counter to the powers that be of central control; and that this works best in groups??....and this union activity is just another avenue of excercizing rights other than joining political party A or party B.

Yes, hypothetically...I can see this.  Real life...the unions scoop up everyones money and sends it to political parties to get people elected that keep tax money going to the unions, and then back to governments.  Unions don't help the people they claim to represent, they help themselves grow it seems.  I would think taking mandatory money out of the pockets of workers and directing that toward any political party is not "excercizing rights" of anyone.  If they were worth their salt, people would give to the unions of their own free will.  Unions will grow as large as any government given a chance, using mandatory confiscation of money, there is little difference in my eyes.  If the unions want to impress tax payers, they can funnel the money they send to politics back to the people they represent, no collective bargaining needed...that would impress me.  They wasted gobs of money in politics that could have been used wisely.  Private sector unions are different, if people want that, fine, we have all seen how that works out, long as we the people do not have to bail private business out when they run in red we got to they point where we have to flip the bill to keep private unions going as well....that is not excercizing my rights either. I don't work there and should have no ties to it. State unions and fed unions are nothing but more weight on tax payers backs, all politics and buying votes with my money.  What about MY rights?  Seems they don't count very much.

Wherever tax money goes, there is always a danger of growing bureaucracy and corruption, matter of fact, in every case this is what happens.  Hypothetically....this should not happen...but it does. 

Offline jimster

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I fail to see how the unions having some corruption has anything to do with what you posted.
Fact is...there is some agree?  I pointed out that large amounts of money were being mis-used, you pointed out that to bring that up is some kind of "party line" lost me there. 

Do you agree there is some corruption in the unions or not? 

Yes or the only answer to that.

If should not be tolerated and they should be stomped out same as any corruption.

If no....I at least understand where your at on this.



Offline powderman

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Do you agree there is some corruption in the unions or not? 

Yes or the only answer to that.

JIMSTER. HEH, good luck with that. POWDERMAN.  ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline carbineman

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TM7 wrote<<Do you know of anything that isn't corrupted or tainted in the USSA at this point...?>> End of quoted text.

Exactly, that is why I'm and others individually or as a member of the Tea Party are ticked. We are just looking out for our pocketbooks while the unionized public employees are looking out for theirs. They disagree with me and that is what this fight is about. You see TM we agree after all.

Offline ironglow

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Corruption in must be kidding ! ;) :D ;D :P :o

        People who visit Niagara Falls from the Canadian side often remark not only about the natural beauty of the falls but also the clean and beautiful city of Niagara Falls, Ontario.
  The American side is about like  Berlin of 1946 or parts of Detroit today.  Between the unions and the gangster who run them, Niagara Falls, NY is a sight to behold.  Businesses and industries do not want to locate there..evidently even Pizza parlors are subject to 'shakedowns'..

   The unions have ruined what once was the "honeymoon Capital" and a great place of beauty and business !  see for yourself;
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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  Did you see those links, page after page of exzmples of the crooked union practices ?  IT is quite obvious you have a unique can have reams of documented proof right before your face and ignore every last shred of it..only believeing certain remote, esoteric parts of the whole.
  Perhaps that explains why you are so much into "conspiracies"..

      Here is just one article of the hundreds I offered to you;

  Union Leaders in Niagara Falls Throw in the Towel, Plead Guilty
Submitted by Carl Horowitz on Sun, 08/13/2006 - 23:00
Email to friendPrinter-friendlyFour years ago, in May 2002, an FBI predawn raid netted more than a dozen people affiliated with the terror of Niagara County, N.Y., Local 91 of the Laborers International Union of North America.  The arrests were the first stage of putting the violent and corrupt leadership of that union out of commission.  Prosecutors now have secured convictions – and sooner than expected.  On Tuesday, August 1, all four remaining defendants – Mark Congi, Albert Celeste, Paul Bellreng and Joel Cicero – pleaded guilty in federal court.  It was only the third week of a trial slated to last about two months.  Congi, Celeste and Bellreng, respectively, the union’s president, assistant business agent and steward, admitted to engaging in a racketeering conspiracy; Cicero, Local 91 training director and a member of the powerful Niagara Falls Bridge Commission, pleaded guilty to extortion. 

  Is it even remotely possible that you can see something crooked with the unions ?  Did you get any clues that something may stink with unions ?

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline sidewinder319

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Support the rank and file union members? Am I wrong?  I thought the rank and file union members elected these corrupt leaders?   ::)

Offline sidewinder319

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TM7 do you ever stop to think before you post. I have to wonder. ::)

Offline billy_56081

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Sidewinder that is what makes him so funny!
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline billy_56081

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TM7 do you ever stop to think before you post. I have to wonder. ::)
What's your point...or are you just pulling your trigger to hear a impress guys like Billy, which isn't saying much--is it?. My point is as clear as spring water...people vote and they don't always know what they're getting until later....c'mon,,,tell me you haven';t notice that boss! And guys become leaders of organizations to steer them the way they want to.    Soooo...What is YOUR point...?


I've seen some murky springs.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline 1sourdough

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  It only takes a few in the vocal minority to steer the whole union in most cases. Hardly anyone in their right mind wants to run for union leadership. A few are just wired to gravitate to such a position. Then you have a handful at the meeting to steer the agenda. I've always felt the Dems have a much easier time when it comes to cutting back on impossible spending. There are a few states cutting back like we have to do here in WI that have no where near the spotlight.
NRA, Veteran

Offline ironglow

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...Yeah, I get clues that alot of things stink in alot of places... ::)  So, you have a problem with some union leaders, some corrupt politicians and a dirty town. In the bigger scheme of things this is a miniscule problem relative to the corruption scene in can bet there is more than just unions involved in these scams....right up to the top. SOOooo, Do you think rank and file union members support this kind of graft..?? I'm still trying to figure out how an exo-union guy can 180* abandon and condemn his former brothers and wage a vendetta. Meanwhile, what is it that the Canadians are doing right out there..??


  See TM; you didn't get it...If you had read just a few of the links, you would find that the unions, politicians and the mob were all tied in together with each's the citizens who were not involved with any of the three who were hurting...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline sidewinder319

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Gees TM what did you say?? :-\