Who really cares if this idiot is dead? If he is, well then good, but do you think this will end the stupidity of the world? Do you think that we will finally live in peace? NO! There are probably 100 other Bin Ladens out there just waiting to take his spot, if they haven't already. And how much of your tax paying money and our soldiers lives have been put on the line and/or spent to kill one idiot when there are thousands more out there? Heck, the real irony of this is that the last time we had a person to person chat with the guy, we were selling him guns. Think about that!
I certainly know that this latest news will not allow anyone to finally live in peace.
I am, however, very thankful to our veterans and current soldiers who are the ones who have or who are putting their butts on the line for us and the concept of peace. They are the real heroes in this.
Many thanks to our soldiers and vets!