Back during the Cuban Missle Crisis, myself and two other sailors were riding perimeter patrol at Cecil Field, FL when we ran over one like that with a Dodge Power Wagon. It was like thumping over a big log and it didn't phase the snake at all. I shot it with a 1911 .45....that did get his attention.
A few years ago, I was turkey hunting in Florida with two friends, Joe and Wayne. We hunt an island in a swamp, so the day before the opener, we were taking the canoes down to the swamp to be ready in the morning, when we found a good sized rattler in the two track. We didn't have guns with us because the season wasn't open yet, but we killed the snake with a shovel. Joe owns an auto repair business, but is a frustrated gourmet chef. He had brought steaks to camp for supper that night, so he did steak 'n snake on the grill instead. It was superb.