I not thinking about moving right now(i like my state alot and i don't like snow) i ask because i saw something in a gun magzine about "best states to live in for shooters" and i wondered what are some of the best places in the US for shooters. Here in Florida SB 234 just passed (which their calling a Christmas present of which even Santa would be proud) that allows a Florida dealer to sell a handgun or long gun to any resident of another state who may legally own a firearm,Licensed Open Carry,Licensed College Campus Carry.
so the bill permit current and future concealed carry licensees to carry open or concealed at their option.
permit lawful concealed carry on college campuses, in career centers, and private schools and permits student, teacher, and administrator licensees to carry their firearms on campus.
provides that a licensed concealed carrier shall not be prohibited from carrying or storing a firearm in a vehicle for lawful purposes.
provides that Floridians will be able to purchase firearms from any state, so long as a National Instant Criminal Background Check System check is performed prior to purchase, and the laws and regulations of the state in which the transaction is made are fulfilled.
Prior to last year, one could only get a concealed weapons/firearms license by mail from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DOACS), Division of Licensing after having fingerprints taken at one's local sheriff's office. That changed following the election of President Obama in November of 2008. As more and more people applied, the licensing office soon became inundated with pending applications. Florida law specified that should an application be in process for 90 days, an interim approval would be granted pending final disposition. In order to alleviate the backlog, DOACS field offices, by appointment, began accepting license applications and electronically scanning fingerprints. Soon, the backlog disappeared, and as of late, people have been receiving their licenses in as little as 7 business days after their appointments. The only problem was that per statute, DOACS was not authorized to take fingerprints. SB 234 fixes that oversight.
also HB45 passed which prohibits local governments from regulating firearms.
If i wanted to give up guns i would moved to California(i have been told if you like CCW or haveing a gun stay far away from there).