He's far too radical. Total isolationism has never worked. Look at China. They were a closed society for decades. The same with the Soviet Union. Where did it get them? The fact of the matter is the world needs us and we need them. Certainly from a business and economic standpoint. Look at the amount of oil we require. Even if we were to start drilling, it would take years before we could even come close to producing enough. There is not enough gold on the planet for us to presently go back to a gold standard. Yet he continually proposes it, and then turns around and tells everyone he wants to sell off what little we presently have. His pie in the sky policies lack any and all common sense.
He has some halfway decent economic principals as far as cutting spending, and reducing the size of government, but then he comes up with all of this off the wall crap that just plain scares people. He'll never see the Presidency, ever. He beats the same drum his small base of followers want to hear. Beyond that he gains little traction. He's nothing more than a third party retread who will never raise the needed money to have a successful campaign. Yes, like it or not it requires a ton of money to become President. Ron Paul doesn't have it and never will. And if he continues on his present path, all the cash on the planet won't help him. Just when it appears he's getting some much needed traction, he completely derails. The man is too detached from reality. I'm getting tired of watching it, and so are a lot of others. His entire campaign has been reduced to guessing what, along with when his next gaff is going to be. Bill T.