You certainly are lacking on bullet lube knowledge! Which makes your question a very important one!
All the alox lubes sold are 50-50 alox / beeswax. Don't dilute it, as it is not a good enough lube as it is. Just put up with the mess if you want to use it. Understand that it is not the worst lube available, as many brands sold for bullet lube can't equal the old 50-50 formula.
If you want better performance and don't want to have to mine the lead out of your barrel after shooting, get some LBT Blue Soft lube, and just wipe it into the grooves with your finger. It handles very much like modeling clay, or what used to be sold as play dough some years ago, so it isn't too messy when hand lubed. But it delivers performance no other lube can begin to attain, allowing the highest ACCURATE velocity with freedom from leading of any lube available.