I'm probably cutting my own throat by saying this, but there is such a process of isotopal interaction, not only between isotopes of the same element, but isotopes of elements with closely related properties. I have personally been researching this for the past ten or twelve years and have seen for myself the elemental shifts. With shifts such as these, energy, usually in the form of x-rays, is emitted and capable of being collected. This usually occurs in the presence of a radioactive element such as uranium or thorium, or the presence of certain rare earth elements. However, and there is always a 'however', the amount of energy realized from the isotopal or 'cold fusion' process pales in comparison to the energy involved in producing it. For example, the compression and heating needed to produce the energy from Dr. Rossi's process must consume a tremendous amount of energy. Sure, the energy could come from solar or wind, but at what cost, not only in money but also in the real estate that must be dedicated to such methods of production.
I expect my grandchildren might see such forms of energy in the remote future, but research on these things goes against the established way of scientific thinking and will be held back much as the scientific thought and research of folks like Galileo and Newton.