Cat Whisperer was gracious enough to let me check his copy of Wheels, Wheels, Wagons & More out of his library.
The book has sections of buggy wheels, wagon wheels, wooden spoke auto wheels, wagons, and harnesses.
While it was an interesting read, and I certainly know more than I did before I read it, I'm sure it will take more direction for me to learn the spoke process.
The section on wagon wheels was only six pages long and did not touch on spoke fabrication. The buggy wheel section talked about spoke fab but not the kind of spokes one would need in a wagon wheel.
It does look like whatever you do, you will need a jig for almost every step for almost every size wheel you try to make.
None of that is insurmountable. I think I need better instruction on the spoke process. I understand hubs, felloes, and the heating process to set tire irons.
I cannot possibly forsee making wheels for anywhere near the price they are already available for.
I'd still like to try it again with a proper "dish" this time.
Thanks Cat!
Gunsonwheels is also letting me check out his copy of Morrison's book on wheel making. I have not received it yet. Another report will follow.