Actually, the federal government can be helpful in some disasters. They may not be able to do very much when it comes to fixing private property, but often there are things that can be done that only something like FEMA can get done in a timely fashion--if the right people are in charge.
When Mt. St. Helens blew up, it really made a mess of local rivers; filling them up with sediment and making them extremely prone to flooding. The federal government was able to provide the money and organization to dredge the rivers and build some dikes. If it had not been for that action, the disaster would have continued.
Much of the money provided by FEMA is still being paid back through property taxes etc. There are several cities that are still on the map, because of the swift action by FEMA. Jimma Carter was President when Mt. St. Helens blew. We had a Dumycrat Governor, but by today's standards, she was a conservative. The bottom line was that they got the job done and I give them both all the credit. Our county officials also had something to do with getting it done too.