Here they are such as they are. The gap at the front of the lock plate is where the german silver (nickel) goes. (Turner Kirkland's collection of southern derringers shows most to have that; I assume to resist rust from corrosive cap blast.) Since this whole thing is a prototype, I used what I had. The bbl is a cut-off from a .45 Ruger Blackhawk. The breach plug was counterbored, tapped for a stainless "jumper" and screwed into the bbl. (Since the original thread was nearly an inch long, and the bbl only 2", by the time it got loaded, I'd have been out of bbl, so the jumper was counterbored, but not thru-drilled to save bbl length.) Some of the smaller originals simply had a welded breach plug, but I wanted to be able to unscrew it.
NOT a period correct piece

, but fun to shoot, so another attempt will someday be made.
Now I have a bbl off a .43 Egyptian rolling block. Plenty derr. mat'l. even if it ain't .41 cal.