I vist the HuffPost occasionally, and I followed a link to this piece by Radley Balko filling in some details about the SWAT raid that seems to be turning into a cover-up by Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/25/jose-guerena-arizona-_n_867020.htmlThe article states that last year some of Jose Guerena's in-laws were murdered by home invaders, so it seems natural enough, after being awakened by his frightened wife seeing a bunch of heavily armed men approach the house, a concerned husband and former Marine grabs his AR-15 and prepares to defend his own family from a home invasion. He is hit by 60 rounds out of 72 fired at him by this
(choose your own popular cuss word to go here) badly trained home invasion gang and he dies bleeding to death in his own home because SWAT keeps EMTs away for over an hour.
In truth the 60 hits he took may not have been survivable, but that is not the point. The point is there was no attempt to provide immediate emergency care. In fact, being the cynical chap that I am I'm assuming they probably used SOP and handcuffed him while he lay there and they searched his home!
It's a long and disturbing article, but I think its one well worth reading.