Author Topic: 6.64 Billion Damages Sought over Israeli Government and AIPAC Use of Stolen Clas  (Read 1288 times)

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 Here's how more of our US taxpayer 'investment' foreign aid comes back to help us US citizens.... riiiight! ??? ::) ??? ::).. ::) ::)

May 24, 2011 01:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time
$6.64 Billion Damages Sought over Israeli Government and AIPAC Use of Stolen Classified US Trade Data

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today the Section 301 Committee of the US Trade Representative formally received a petition demanding $6.64 billion in compensation for US exporters. In 1984 US exporters were urged to submit business confidential data about their prices, market share, internal costs and market strategy to the International Trade Commission. The USTR guaranteed confidentiality and compiled the data into a classified report for use in negotiating the US-Israel Free Trade Agreement.

The Israeli government obtained the classified USTR report and passed it to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee to use in lobbying and public relations. Declassified FBI investigation files in the petition reveal AIPAC's legislative director made illicit duplications before returning the report by order of the USTR. The FBI interviewed Israeli Minister of Economics Dan Halpern who admitted obtaining the classified document and giving it to AIPAC.

According to the petition Israel unfairly leveraged the business confidential data stolen from US corporations and industry groups to create new export oriented industries to penetrate the American market. Israel thereby gained an unwarranted systemic advantage. The US-Israel FTA is an anomaly among all bilateral FTAs in that it principally benefits the foreign party, providing a destination for 40% of Israel's exports. The petition claims it is now a private industry funded foreign aid program. In 2010 the US Israel FTA produced an $11.2 billion US deficit in goods trade. Over a decade the US deficit has averaged $7.09 billion per year. The cumulative US-Israel deficit in current dollars since 1985 is $80.9 billion.

Analysis of all other US-bilateral FTAs reveals that they do not deliver a systemic advantage to either partner. In 2010, the US had a $31.43 billion total surplus with its other bilateral FTA partners, though in 2006 and 2007 these same agreements produced a narrow US deficit.

The petition recommends the $6.64 billion be proportionally divided between nearly 80 US organizations according to their trailing 10 year revenues. If the Israeli government will not pay damages directly, the petition recommends the US implement a five year import duty over all Israeli exports to the United States to generate the compensation.

For information about the petition and compensation formula, contact Grant F. Smith at the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy in Washington, DC at 202-342-7325 or by email at

Offline ironglow

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An important thing to keep in mind...this section 301 can be used in an attempt to fine an entity, such as a foreign govt..then distribute the fines received to "offended" this case it would appear likely to present US labor unions with a windfall bonus.
                  Not hard to feature this with the Obama administration, after all ..he dislikes Israel and is a big buddy of the unions. 
  Remember,..He did take taxpayer's money to buy out auto companies...and give a hefty share of what taxpayers paid for the unions...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Hooker

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Always view with  a jaundice eye the accusations and reports made by the federal government or any of it's bureaucracies .
How was it that Israel came by this report?
If you could trust any of our agencies to do a proper investigation, I'm sure you'd find a money trail right up the guilty ones American backsides.
Maybe someone  should look to see if they committed a crime or were only following US directives. Look in your own closet first.
Could they be guilty? You bet they have unscrupulous people just like every place else.
But I don't know them or how they operate. I do know American scumbags and how they operate and from the Whitehouse  down to the lowest federal amoeba they are not to be trusted.
There's been a lot of Jewish folks killed because of some peoples false accusations I don't think you want to join that club.

" In the beginning of change, the patriot is a brave and scarce man,hated and scorned. when the cause succeeds however,the timid join him...for then it cost nothing to be a patriot. "
-Mark Twain
"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms."
-- Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787. ME 6:373, Papers 12:356

Offline beerbelly

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Hey it's ok for the Israelis to steal from us! They are gods chosen people for crying out loud! They can do no wrong!
  They can murder our service men, it's ok, they can spy on us at will , it's ok, they can steal us blind, it's ok! They are gods chosen people!
   People that think like this is just as much a religious fanatic as the radical Muslims!

Offline yellowtail3

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  • Oh father of the four winds, fill my sails!
  They can murder our service men, it's ok, they can spy on us at will , it's ok, they can steal us blind, it's ok! They are gods chosen people!

Beerbelly, in a sober moment, makes a point: this business of Israel getting a pass on anything because they're "God's chosen people" is just wrong.

I can imagine the conversations: "Yes, this will cause some problems, Prime Ministers, but the Americans right-wing Christians can be depended upon to defend us, no matter what. We'll have our people in NY shape this in terms of... God's People, against the Godless Ones. And you know, Mr. Prime Minister, it works every time, because you can fool some of the people all of the time!"
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline ironglow

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Yellow says;
    "I can imagine the conversations: "Yes, this will cause some problems, Prime Ministers, but the Americans right-wing Christians can be depended upon to defend us, no matter what. We'll have our people in NY shape this in terms of... God's People, against the Godless Ones. And you know, Mr. Prime Minister, it works every time, because you can fool some of the people all of the time!"

    Well now we are taking the liberty to 'make up' imaginary conversations...guess we can all do that ! Another imaginary conversation could go as follows,  Yellowtail to clandestine terrorist fund raiser shortly after conversion some years ago;
           " Some people are wise to the schemes such as we are running to finance our brothers who are carrying on the holy war against both little and the great Satan, so I have a great idea .   I won't reveal my conversion and true faith to the world; I'll just continue on..posing as a regular American, even pretending to be a nominal Christian, even though I am not greatly familiar with Christian doctrine and the fine points of the Bible.  I will go into the various websites, trying to convince those who may not be well informed that we Muslims, especially our Palestinian brethren..are being treated with incomparable cruelty.  That way I may just be able to draw sympathy for our holy cause...and some money along with it "!

   Now, both those "conversations" are explosive but both are also completely unfounded, false and made up.  Unfortunately, that's how ugly and false rumors get started...let's refrain from that here...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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TM says;
   "This damaged American taxpayer industries it is alleged"

  Clarify please..just what are "taxpayer industries", our taxes should not be used to buy industries.  Government competeing with private industries is immoral.    I am aware that taxpayers were put on the hook for Chrysler and GM debts, but theoretically we are told we are not the owners.  If we are, then Obama has taken some of taxpayers property and given it free of charge to the 'international unions'.  That wouldn't be a very honest move, how does it hjelp mthe taxpayer to have their property given freely to INTERNATIONAL unions ?
                                     So please explain "taxpayer industries"...

   As far as your allegations against Israel, let it be proven in international courts.. if Israel did wrong, let them pay..   "Allegations".. are allegations..let the courts settle it !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline beerbelly

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Israel will do what is best for Israel, whether legal or not! The USA should do the same and dump Them! No more billions in aid , no more billions in arms sales where the debt is forgiven of course! They do not need our help if they are gods chosen people he will take care of them. And I am sure he don't need our borrowed Chinese money to do it!
 We are broke we can no longer afford these parasites!

Offline billy_56081

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Another fake story being bandied around as true. Just a frivolous lawsuit that will never make it to trial. It's amazing what hate mongers will do to promote their agenda. 
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline billy_56081

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TM it is just a frivolous lawsuit. Anyone can file a lawsuit against anyone for anything. This silly fake suit will be tossed as soon as a judge reads it. But I guess if it fits your agenda go ahead and promote it like it is real.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline billy_56081

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Just a silly frivolous lawsuit pushing an antisemetic agenda. While slightly more realistic sounding than your silly fake Subaru ad or even sillier 4000 watt death ray powered by AA batteries. But bs none the less.

The one thing you have told us here at GBO that I do believe is that you are in the fertilizer business, that I believe is the truth. 
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline billy_56081

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I got to hand it to ya at least this fairy tale has at least the look of something real. You are getting better at spinning yarns.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline ironglow

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  TM says in reply#10;
    " I haven't seen any moslems pull crap like this or hyjack our entire economic and banking system...have you?"
  WHEW !
  I didn't think I would ever hear anyone, even TM ........say such a goofy thing ! can't be serious..especially when you use such terms as hyjack (hijack)!  Man; how many planes ahve been hijacked by Muslims..  They even hijacked an aircraft at the '72 olympics..and how about the Achille Lauro, where they hijacked a cruise ship and murdered a helpless old man in a wheelchair..then there was the 9/11 hijackings. Or the Major who hijacked a bunch of unarmed GIs in Ft Hood and murderd them ?  ...And the Lockerbie bombing..USS Cole..Beruit barracks..the African embassies..who did that..the Red Cross ?
  Our entire economic and banking system was greatly endangered by the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon...thank God ..there were heroes such as Todd Beamer and the Jew, Jeremy Glick who led the fight to prevent jihadist crazies from putting an airliner into the capital building !
   Really; you must choose your statements more carefully !

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)