Pastorp, Over the years I have shot quite a few (deer probably close 50) with this caliber rifle, a .22-250, the Improved, or a Swift...I would say I shot more with Serria 55 grain HPBT than any other bullet..I also used 60 nosler part., 63 grain Serria, and 64 grain WW..I do not ever recall loosing a big game animal when shooting these calibers...but when I used there game was abundant, and I had lots of time...so a careful shot could be made...Also, tracking conditions were either ideal, or I was hunting open country where the game could be observed after the shot...to me the conditions under which we hunt can be far more important than the caliber used...at this time, I had a situation with lots and lots of game, and lots and lots of time...so only good shots were taken..now as I approach my middle 60's I am concerned with making a clean kill, also the abundant game has been shot off, so chances are more limited...I guess if I were looking at something with less recoil and still wanted a good killer, I would take my Marlin 24" .30-30 or my model 99 .300 Sav...I like that .30 caliber bullet incase I misque, or the game moves as I shoot..just a bit of insurance to do a good clean job...