Same sexes can not produce life. Animals don't do same sex intances because it is not in their nature. Animals rely on instinct, male with female. So, knowing this, does same sex relations seem "normal"? Does a pine tree have more common sense than humans? If homosexuality was "normal" there would be no need for a sperm and egg. Is that not a Red Flag that something isn't right? Kinda like loading a .32 case into a .44 chamber. When it slides through, what do you think? Personally, I don't want my kids to think homosexuality is OK. God, nature, and common sense says different, even the organisms say different from plant to animal. If you are gay, then fine. Just don't press it upon me. You are an American and that is your pwrsonal life. That doesn't mean I need it shouted in my ear or a flag hoisted. In short, I think homosexuality is wrong, but I am not a judge. But apparently, lower life forms and even plant's lessons are not heard by that sect of the population. To each his own, and God orders us to love all folks. I just can't understand the lack of simple thinking. And to those condeming to Hell because they are gay...... Any white lie you tell is just as punishable according to the Bible. And don't say you haven't lied....... Everybody lies. Even having hate is a sin, right? And personally, if I was having to pick.... Yellow is raising the youguns'. Bravo to that. One side's hate should offset what he is doing for his kiddos. If you want to use scripture in your argument please use ALL of the scripture. Did not Jesus instruct folks to obey your masters? To deny that is denying everything, right?