If our Socialist Government would not keep raising taxes (The US currently has the highest corporate taxes in the world since Japan recently lowered theirs because of the Tsunami) maybe the flight of business offshore would slow down. If our lunatic fringe environmentalists and our current Socialist president would allow America to drill and mine our energy resources, there would be thousands of high paying jobs made available. Obama cost over 80,000 high paying jobs to be lost in the Gulf of Mexico because one company had a problem. This occurred when he stopped all drilling in the Gulf. Unions make our labor rates noncompetitive which drives more companies offshore.
When they force the use of renewable energy sources, which cost about 4 times that of oil and coal energy, more companies will move offshore in order to compete on the global market place. What many people don't realize, solar panels require the use of a rare earth to manufacture and the Chinese have a virtual monopoly on this rare earth. The magnets in wind turbine also require a rare earth and this one is also not available in the US. I don't recall if this one for the magnets is from China or not. We will go from the Arabs having us by the gonads to the Chinese having us by the gonads instead.
We have the energy reserves to be totally independent but or lunatic fringe environmentalist and socialist left wingers will not let us become independent.