A few years back I read in one of the gun rags, an article about keeping the primers down or boxes closed on the firing bench.
According to the article the shooter was shooting a Semi-auto pistol, one of the spent casings landed on a live primer in the box and detonated several live rounds in the box.
I could see were if everything came together in the perfect storm it could be possible. But has anyone had a real life experience of this happening.
I reload all my own ammo, and have since started putting them primer down in the boxes.
But I have yet to see factory ammo shipped primers down.
You would think if this were a real problem. Manufacturers would change the packaging, or at least put a warning on new boxes to keep them closed.
It just seems to me you would have the same odds of this happening as getting hit with lightning. But then I don’t stand in a field in a thunderstorm either.