I went hunting this weekend. Looking for something to test the GMX on. Well I found a couple
of blesbuck in ths same patch of open ground where I should the bwb a couple of week back.
The ewe knew I was there - she was standing - looking straight at me but could not see what was going
on. I kept low in the long grass and stalked closer untill I ran out of grass - at about 180 - 200 meters. I put the sticks
up and looked at her - scope was set on 8 x. She would snort and make 360 turn facing me again.
After a while I felt more relaxed and though I am not going to wait for her to turn, so I took the shot.
I hit her just off centre in the front of the neck and the bullet and a chuck of bone made a one inch
hole at the back. She dropped on the spot, so all I can say the GMX worked but any other bullet would have done
the same in this shot.