Well it ain't summer no mo'. But it is fall even if the weather still gits near 80 degrees in Southern Jawja. Jes' got back from de camp. Kilt me one of dem mean, rank, boar hogs.

Dis boy was 140 lbs of pure meanness.

He been fightin' wit de other boar hogs, dats why he gots dem scars on down his side. I tell you I have seen some gristle shields befo' but never lak de one dis guy was wearin. It wents from jes' in front of de shoulders to down clean past his ribs. On the body pix you can see scars from where he has been cut in fights. We tried to clean him but dat meat had de worst funkification to it dat I ever smelt!

Dogs wouldn't even git near him.

Anyways dis one fell to a 180 gr Fusion 3006 at 'bout 70 yds. Perfect entry between the eye and ear

...... Bang flop! Next time I gots to find me a big fat sow!