i'd guess, that i'ts just gonna vary quite a bit. out of 4 contender frames i've measured, i think my 6tcu had the most at .010", and i think the least was around .005".
i hadn't really examined what determines the barrel to frame gap. maybe it's the hinge pin placement in the frame. :?
so far, i've tried to size my cases so i have .001" less case protrusion, than the measured barrel to frame gap.
the barrel to frame gap, i measured with plasti-gage. i picked it up at an auto parts store. it's really cheap, and seems to work.
i measure the resized case protrusion from a removed barrel. this can be guessed at with feeler gage blades, but i found it to be difficult, and really just that, guessing. i bought a headspace indicator that takes this measurement. works pretty good at it too, and also gets an accurate measurement of how far the bullet is seated off the lands. i just havn't used the tool enough yet to get that far with it yet.
i was just having several issues, when i was resizing cases, that either caused misfires in my contender, or would not let the hammer cock on my encore. it was probably my inexperience at setting up the full length sizer to get slight shoulder bump. also, i think i was pulling the shoulder back out slightly with the expander ball. i'm in the process of working all these issues out. i just havn't loaded any ammo in the past couple months, since before deer season.