"too many years of making the first shot count." Ladobe
Spoken like a true sage. But with all the truth to that statement, one must also recall that the old models were at one time new as well. I personally don't see a problem with a ten shot, especially in a single six frame, or the 12 shot that USFA makes (other than the price of course),

as long as one still adheres to the "make the first shot count" wisdom mentioned by Ladobe above. These guns are used for more than hunting, an example being plinking, and for that a ten shot cylinder would be ideal. You should also be able to make the first shot count when hunting whether you have six or ten in the cylinder.
I am also very interested in seeing how well Ruger manufactured this revolver, and how accurate it is out of the box. When anyone gets one and has a chance to shoot it, let us know what you find out.
The fine picture above is by Craig in Tennessee, and makes me lust in my heart for a gun like that.