Author Topic: Single Ten anyone?  (Read 4264 times)

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Offline sachel.45

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #30 on: June 20, 2011, 10:57:09 AM »
Ok so according to Ruger customer service the Single Ten frame is specific to itself. Which I assume means its a little bit bigger or maybe just the cylinder area has milled out bigger to handle the bigger cylinder.
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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2011, 04:50:51 PM »
Thanks all the same Gcrank.  44 Man
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Offline Axehandle

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #32 on: June 24, 2011, 05:24:38 PM »
Good article on this new Single Six based 10 shot on Gunblast!

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #33 on: June 24, 2011, 06:11:24 PM »
Interesting read, thanks for posting the link, Axehandle.

Offline Hunter6657

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2011, 07:12:15 PM »
Yah, I'd be interested in it if it had a magnum cylinder.
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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2011, 05:40:27 AM »
Over here at a guy called Mactech says he wrote to Ruger and they told him the single ten is the exact same as the single six except for the pawl.  In addition, Jeff Quinn, who was skeptical initially, says he loves it after shooting it.

And a video, which is worth the look-see just for the awesome beard Jeff is sporting.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2011, 11:00:54 AM »
Saw one today looks like the same frame and grip.  The barrel set back looks like the gap on my Bisley, making it a 22LR only.

Offline yooper77

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2011, 11:46:10 AM »
Might be fun, but I would probably just buy another Ruger single six 22LR/22 WMR convertable if I needed more shots. I have the 6 1/2" barrel version but I would consider the 4 5/8" if I bought a second convertable.

Not single action or a Ruger, but I have a H&R Sportsman 22LR 9 shot double action revolver with adjustable sights my father passed down to me. Its a shooter and fun around a bunch of squirrels, so having more than 6 shots is cool.


Offline TexasRed54

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #38 on: July 02, 2011, 03:46:29 AM »
I find the concept interesting.  The accuracy (Gunblast article) appears rather amazing for a production model revolver.   Given the revolver is stainless steel, possesses sights that are visible in poor lighting conditions, can carry a wide range of .22 lr ammo within it's loading scheme (one could have a mixture of rat shot, .22 short), load on Sunday shoot till what, Thursday (a spin off of the old Henry motto) {course it would require one to remember what is loaded where.. and where are my glasses??), and has a robust frame with a lot of options, I feel Ruger has offered the public a viable product.   I could see a number of people in the trapping business or those in the survivalist mode looking this beast over pretty hard.

The ~$700 MSRP puts it out of my price range, but who knows what might come over a pawn shop threshold in the future.

I would love to shoot one, just to find out how accurate it might be.  Then maybe I might find away to let missus Claus know what daddy wants, besides the obvious, for Christmas.

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #39 on: July 02, 2011, 05:33:37 AM »
I find the concept interesting.  The accuracy (Gunblast article) appears rather amazing for a production model revolver.   Given the revolver is stainless steel, possesses sights that are visible in poor lighting conditions, can carry a wide range of .22 lr ammo within it's loading scheme (one could have a mixture of rat shot, .22 short), load on Sunday shoot till what, Thursday (a spin off of the old Henry motto) {course it would require one to remember what is loaded where.. and where are my glasses??), and has a robust frame with a lot of options, I feel Ruger has offered the public a viable product.   I could see a number of people in the trapping business or those in the survivalist mode looking this beast over pretty hard.

The ~$700 MSRP puts it out of my price range, but who knows what might come over a pawn shop threshold in the future.

I would love to shoot one, just to find out how accurate it might be.  Then maybe I might find away to let missus Claus know what daddy wants, besides the obvious, for Christmas.
I used to think the same and kept my Bisley loaded with snake shot and some of the aguilla pellets for rats and mice.  I thought every other loading would be a good idea between the two.  I had a problem with rats and mice breaking into the garage to try to get at the dog food.  I found the snake shot to be loud and not that effective out of my revolver.  I did find that the Winchester crimped type of shot to be more effective than the CCI capsule type.  Later I found that keeping the first round in the line as the rat shot works well for one squeeking out of a hole, the rest pellets seemed to be the most effective.

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #40 on: July 06, 2011, 09:43:39 AM »
Can't believe that some folks would get so hot and bothered over 6 rounds of fun v. 10 rounds of fun. If I were in the market for a .22 fun gun I'd consider it, but I'm not to excited over the sights. Bet we'll get a choice before too long.

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #41 on: July 06, 2011, 05:00:56 PM »
I don't care for the 10 shot single sixes or the 8 shot Blackhawks in 327 Federal Mag. I would just rather have a standard 5 or 6 shot revolver.
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Offline poorcountrypreacher

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #42 on: July 06, 2011, 05:06:54 PM »
I was thinking about buying a Single Six, and then read about the new model and did a little research about it. The accuracy documented in the Gunblast article sounded pretty good, so I bought one earlier in the week. It will be here Friday, and I'll let everyone know how it shoots. The sights do look non-traditional, but a 10 shot revolver is non-traditional anyway. I'll give them a good try, and if I can't shoot them it looks pretty simple to change them out.

I've not done that much SA shooting, and it gets expensive shooting the .45, even with my reloads, so I mainly wanted something to get a lot of practice shooting in with all the .22 ammo I already have. Shooting my 10" Contender doesn't do a lot to improve my SA technique, and the only .22 revolver I had is an old H&R 650. I haven't found any kind of ammo that will produce groups smaller than 3" at 25 yds with it, and its a DA anyway.

After paying the shipping fee and paying my FFL guy $25 for the transfer, I'll have $520 in it, so they are going for well under that retail price.

Offline gcrank1

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #43 on: July 06, 2011, 05:53:41 PM »
Dont feel bad about 3" at 25yd. with that old H&R! I consider 1" per each 10yds. (thus 2.5" @ 25) to be kind of a standard for field accuracy. I know some guys do better.
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Offline poorcountrypreacher

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #44 on: July 07, 2011, 04:48:12 PM »
Gcrank, that 3" figure was the very best group its ever shot and was off sandbags; no way can I shoot 3" groups with it off-hand or even from any kind of braced hunting position. It does shoot better with the magnum cylinder, but I seldom use it cause the ammo is pretty expensive for a plinker. I used it as a trapping gun back in the late 70s and early 80s and it worked well for that. At point-blank range, it works ok.

I will be very disappointed if the Ruger doesn't do a lot better than the old H&R. I hope the traditionalists on the board don't hold it against me for buying a 10 shot revolver with fiber optic sights. All of you have gotta admit that at least its closer to a 6 gun than a Contender. ;)

Offline Graybeard

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #45 on: July 08, 2011, 01:58:40 PM »
OK I've now held one in hand and a Single Six in the other. Not that much difference not nearly what I thought there was from the first comparison photos I saw somewhere.
I do like the way the grip on the gun felt. The sights I dunno bout that now. If it were a big game hunting gun I think I could learn to like those sights but on a .22LR that I'd mostly use punching paper or plinking I'm not so sure. For my eyes at least the green was all I was able to see. I could NOT see the metal of the front sight to use that as someone suggested might work.
Overall it is a nice new addition to Ruger's lineup I guess but I can't see any real need I have for another single action .22LR so I passed on it.
I did bring a new Ruger home tho. Can you imagine that me bring home a Ruuuugggggeeeerrr? BH .45 Colt 5.5". Was looking for a Lipsey's Bisley .44 Special but they weren't in the shipment that came today. Maybe next week.

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Offline poorcountrypreacher

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #46 on: July 08, 2011, 03:38:35 PM »
Mine came in today; my FFL guy at the pawn shop was talking about how much he liked it when I went in there to get it. Said one of his buddies really liked it too, so I guess he had been showing it off. The first thing I noticed was the grips; I really like them and they have a much better feel than any revolver I've ever held. But keep in mind that my SA experience is limited, so I don't have a lot to compare it too.

I brought it home and cleaned it, though it didn't seem to need it. Then got out in the back yard and started shooting. I drew a 2" circle and filled it in with black marker, then put 8 of the first 10 shots in it at 25 yds. This was not over sandbags, but I was sitting in a chair and resting my hand on my knee. I have never shot that good of a group with the old H&R 650, so I was pleased right off. I tried 4 different types of ammo and shot it 150 times or so. My best 5 shot group was 1.5" with some bulk Federal. I'm gonna set up some sandbags tomorrow and see how well the gun will do with various ammo, but I can already see that its gonna be a lot more accurate than I am.

The trigger is nothing to get excited about; got some creep and heavier than I would like, but probably as good as the trigger on the SAA. I'm very happy with the sights; they will definitely help me when trying to shoot a squirrel out of a tree. Graybeard, I could see the square post ok out in the bright sun if I got my glasses lined up just right. It might be different in lower light, but I used the sight picture just like I do with my other handguns; put the top center of the post on the center of the target. The green dot just helped me figure out where that is. But if you don't like the sights, it would take about 2 minutes to change them, so I wouldn't let that keep me from buying the gun.

I didn't see any disadvantage to having 10 shots instead of 6. It takes a little longer to load and eject, but you get to shoot longer in between. I'd say its 6 and one half dozen of the other. Or actually, 10, and 5/6 of a dozen of the other. :) It does take an extra minute or so to clean it, but I can spare a minute.

So from a SA newbie, I'm very happy with the gun and would recommend it to anyone else who is looking for a good SA revolver. If I already had a good Single 6, I sure wouldn't rush out and buy this one. I suspect that Ruger will sell a lot of these to people like me.

The gun definitely feels a lot different than my 7.5" SAA, and I gotta say that I like the way it handles over the Colt. A New Vaquero in .45 with a similar 5.5" barrel is looking very appealing right now, but I'm afraid those sights on the Single 10 are gonna spoil me and I'll want them on my next revolver. I much prefer the feel of the medium frame, but since they don't offer it with adjustable sights, I guess there is nothing available like I want.

Good shooting to all.

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #47 on: July 08, 2011, 07:50:44 PM »
After seeing and handling it today I'd not hesitate to pick one up IF I had a need for another single action Ruger .22LR.
I wish I could afford an FA97 .22LR but then I wish I could shoot well enough for it to matter if I was shooting the FA97 vs. my Ruger Super Single Six Convertible with 9.5" barrel. It shoots better than I do these days.
Perhaps why I couldn't see the metal of the front sight was a combination of how poorly I see at close range and how bright the green dots were in the strong lighting of the store. Dunno just know I lined them up and those green dots were all I saw. Might be OK on tree rats but would be real nice on a deer gun.
I really was impressed with the way the grips felt on the gun I handled. Dunno if they all will feel like that or not but it felt better than other Ruger Single actions to me. I still like the Bisley grip better and the FA grip better still.

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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #48 on: July 09, 2011, 04:38:34 AM »
That Is quite an 'endorsement', GB, and +1 on that about the FA vs Ruger, or Whatever brand , in my hand anymore!
Ive not cared for the S&W type red ramp fronts either, my accuracy was never as good as with target type Patridge, unless it was too dark to make them out. Now I think just 'stacking' a glow spot upon a glow spot might work well; I know what lining up dots horizontally does for me, and its like you say.
You got me thinking about that Ruger Bisley grip again too..........
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Re: Single Ten anyone?
« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2012, 08:00:31 PM »
Bought one of these last year, really like it. With some misgivings.

Personally, I like the "Gunfighter" grips and it's overall weight and balance. Having been a 7.5" SBH guy my whole life, the balance of the shorter barrel is interesting. Would like to make a set of "Gunfighter" grips for my '58 Remi clone. Would consider them, perhaps without the finger groove for the SBH. The flatter grip panels really work for me. And on a gun I don't expect to roll in the hand, the finger groove is good too.

The 10 shots I could give or take. Have owned the Single Six Convertible in the past and liked all the extra metal around the chambers. These chambers look really thin. But I guess it's only a .22. Since I have the SBH as well... and have found that training comes out under stress... I'm debating whether I should never load more than 6 in it. Which makes the extra 4, well... extra.

The sights, ya, hate 'em. Could give or take the fiber optics. Having grown up on black partridge sights... these sights draw too much attention to themselves. More of a distraction than an aid, for me anyway. OK, so some white out or a magic marker or whatever can change that... but the profile of that front sight is just awful.

So overall, if I could just pick the specs out of the air, I think I'd have done a Single 6 convertible... with the Gunfighter grips. Had they have a stainless Single 6 in stock, I'd have gone that way in a heart beat. Just familiarity if nothing else.

But all in all, it is a Ruger, it is very nicely made, the extra shots and the fiber optics depart from my sense of what a Ruger SA is supposed to be, but still a great gun, a great .22.

Best I can say, is try it for yourself, but don't judge it until you handle it. Alway hated the way a Super Redhawk looked in photos... after handling one, decided that I have to have one eventually. (Heck the SA trigger pull on the SRH is better the the SBH.)

I have a feeling though, if Bill were still around... this gun would never have been made. Gotta be a creation of some marketing type.