Mine came in today; my FFL guy at the pawn shop was talking about how much he liked it when I went in there to get it. Said one of his buddies really liked it too, so I guess he had been showing it off. The first thing I noticed was the grips; I really like them and they have a much better feel than any revolver I've ever held. But keep in mind that my SA experience is limited, so I don't have a lot to compare it too.
I brought it home and cleaned it, though it didn't seem to need it. Then got out in the back yard and started shooting. I drew a 2" circle and filled it in with black marker, then put 8 of the first 10 shots in it at 25 yds. This was not over sandbags, but I was sitting in a chair and resting my hand on my knee. I have never shot that good of a group with the old H&R 650, so I was pleased right off. I tried 4 different types of ammo and shot it 150 times or so. My best 5 shot group was 1.5" with some bulk Federal. I'm gonna set up some sandbags tomorrow and see how well the gun will do with various ammo, but I can already see that its gonna be a lot more accurate than I am.
The trigger is nothing to get excited about; got some creep and heavier than I would like, but probably as good as the trigger on the SAA. I'm very happy with the sights; they will definitely help me when trying to shoot a squirrel out of a tree. Graybeard, I could see the square post ok out in the bright sun if I got my glasses lined up just right. It might be different in lower light, but I used the sight picture just like I do with my other handguns; put the top center of the post on the center of the target. The green dot just helped me figure out where that is. But if you don't like the sights, it would take about 2 minutes to change them, so I wouldn't let that keep me from buying the gun.
I didn't see any disadvantage to having 10 shots instead of 6. It takes a little longer to load and eject, but you get to shoot longer in between. I'd say its 6 and one half dozen of the other. Or actually, 10, and 5/6 of a dozen of the other.

It does take an extra minute or so to clean it, but I can spare a minute.
So from a SA newbie, I'm very happy with the gun and would recommend it to anyone else who is looking for a good SA revolver. If I already had a good Single 6, I sure wouldn't rush out and buy this one. I suspect that Ruger will sell a lot of these to people like me.
The gun definitely feels a lot different than my 7.5" SAA, and I gotta say that I like the way it handles over the Colt. A New Vaquero in .45 with a similar 5.5" barrel is looking very appealing right now, but I'm afraid those sights on the Single 10 are gonna spoil me and I'll want them on my next revolver. I much prefer the feel of the medium frame, but since they don't offer it with adjustable sights, I guess there is nothing available like I want.
Good shooting to all.