Author Topic: Suggestions for Lever Action Rifle  (Read 3823 times)

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Offline JPShelton

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Re: Suggestions for Lever Action Rifle
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2011, 01:20:01 AM »
My first firearm was a Marlin 336 in .30-30 that my parents bought for me when I was 11.  I've killed deer, feral pigs, feral goats, a couple of elk, and even a couple of pronghorns with it over the 35 years that I've owned it.  I had the magazine tube bobbed to a 1/2 length "button" style on mine, with the tube now attached as they are on Marlin's XLR and MX series guns.  I also had the buttstock glass bedded to the action, and the remaining reward carbine band relieved for clearance around the barrel.  I also mounted a 3 X 9 Leupold Vari-X IIc to it in Weaver mounts.  It is a solid minute of angle grouper with Hornady FTX or MonoFlex bullets.
Those bullets are an answer to a prayer for me. I always liked the 336 and thought that if it just had another 50 to 100 yards of effective range, it would serve well for all of the big game hunting that I do.  After shooting the FTX's and taking a few animals with them, I am convinced they do what Hornady claim and make my rifle what I always wanted to be.  I've recently sold off my other centerfire rifles, as this slightly hot-rodded old 336 of mine, coupled with those Hornady FTX and MonoFlex bullets, does everything I need a centerfire rifle to do in the field and it is accurate enough to be fun to play with at the range.
As fall is fast approaching, I am planning on hunting elk in New Mexico, deer locally here in Oklahoma, pigs in California, and pronghorns in Wyoming. I'll be using the .30-30 on all of these hunts. Yeah, the cartridge seems wimpy on paper, but in the real world, its modest velocity, decent bullet sectional density and mass add up to deep-digging penetration that kills game clean without fuss, drama, or a bunch of bloodshot meat.  It might not be cool to be a "one gun hunter" with a .30-30 these days, but it works for me.

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Re: Suggestions for Lever Action Rifle
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2011, 02:12:12 AM »
 I recently ordered a BLR 'Light-weight' in 7mm-08. Not that I really need another deer rifle but I've been thinking about one for a while. I reload just about all my ammo & I plan to stick in the 120-140 grn range. Looking fwd to trying it out. It all started with a BL-22 I bought a while back.
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Re: Suggestions for Lever Action Rifle
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2011, 04:32:12 PM »
My first love in a lever was a Marlin 336 in 35 rem. It will kill anything in the NA woods. Its my go to when ever I leave the cabin.
It does have a cult following, I admit it.
I picked up a 336 in 30-30 several weeks ago for $150. Bore is perfect, but rifle has a little surface rust. Shoots great.
Every backwoods mom and pop store from Gobblers Knob to Tinbuckto, carries 30-30 ammo.
You can't go wrong with either, imho.
The Hermit

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Re: Suggestions for Lever Action Rifle
« Reply #33 on: August 17, 2011, 12:24:15 AM »
Good morning
Personally I would include 45 Colt in that list.  With a round ball loaded you can go hunt bunnies.  With a 300 grainer+ you can go out and hunt elk .  Piggies & corn crunchers are easier dropped with 255 grainers.. me I like the 280īs pushed at 1000fps for deer types and 1200 fps or more for the rooters. 
A 44 mag can also accomplish this task but the caliber .45 does have that little bit of advantage in bullet selection if you are a reloader. If you cast your own there is no limit.
The great part of the 45 Colt (and 44) is that you can get a revolver of the same caliber and shoot the same ammo (Rugers, BFR...).
Mike in Peru
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Offline shawlerbrook

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Re: Suggestions for Lever Action Rifle
« Reply #34 on: August 17, 2011, 01:33:49 PM »
If you want open sights then a pre-64 Win 94 in 3030 . Scope, go for a Marlin 336 in 3030 or 35 Rem or a Marlin 1894 in 44 mag. preferably before Remington started making them.

Offline rhernandez914

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Re: Suggestions for Lever Action Rifle
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2011, 08:42:00 AM »
As far as caliber all of them will work. I have an love them all. The 45/70, 30-30, 35 Rem, 44 Mag, 45 LC and even the 357 Mag.

The Handgun calibers will recoil less but range on the handgun rounds is more limited (under 100-150 yards). The 357 and 44 Mag are usually more accurate but the 45 LC reloaded is the most versatile IMHO. Recoil and handiness is a consideration especially if you are using only iron sights. These would be my choices for short range use.

The 30-30, 35 Rem and 45/70 are longer range but recoil is greater. I love the 45/70 but it is expensive to shoot and can kick. 35 Rem is becoming harder to find in many places.  The 30-30 is easier to find and is less expensive to shoot. These would be good choices if you might scope the rifle later. These would be my choices for medium range (125 -225 yards).

 Savage 99 an Browning BLR are the way to go for long range lever guns.

Savage, Browning, Wiinchester, Marlin, Mossberg, Henry and Rossi will all work.

Henry and Browning makes the nicest finished guns (including older Winchester and Marlins) but they are pricey. Nice used Winchesters and Marlins can be had cheap! Mossberg and Rossi are the least expensive to buy brand new.

Make your choice and have fun!