You can actually get a pretty fair trigger on a Glock with a few aftermarket parts and a little polishing. Checked mine on my 35 today with a digital gauge, average of 10 pulls was 3.23#. Mine has the Ulimate over travel stop, reduced power firing pin safety spring, the 2.5# connector, reduced power trigger return spring, and all working surfaces treated with "Action Magic" from Brownells. It was considerably lighter with the reduced power striker spring, but had an occasional light strike. Couldn't live with that, so back to the stock one. One of the guys on my squad was bragging about the light pull weight on his Springfield 1911. His pull was just over 4#. Boy was he surprised! Not implying a Glock trigger can ever be as short and clean as a SA, but they can be made decent. For action pistol, I'm happy with the trigger on mine. Just for grins, I checked the pull on my Glock 36. It was close to 7#, just about right for it's intended purpose.