Thanks for the about any details you wish to share?
The first deer was one of the most exciting hunts I ever had even though the deer is very small. I worked him with a grunt call for 15 to 20 minutes before I ever got a shot. By the time I did I have buck fever so bad I could barely steady the gun. After the shot I was breathing so hard I couldn't climb out of teh tree for nearly 30 minutes. When I shot that deer we didnt have the huge population of deer like we do now. We couldn't shoot any does. I have killed 400-500 deer since then and I still think about that hunt.
The Ram was in Delrose TN. I was going to go to east Tn to kill one with a handgun. The owner of the place I killed this one at only had archery hunts. He called me one day and said he decided to let me go with a handgun. It wasn't a cake walk. This ram had a guardian ewe. Because of the position of the huge horns he couldn't see forward. He was at least 11 years old. No one had been able to kill him with a bow. We crawled through briars and weeds for hours to finally get the shot. I had to pop up and shoot from 65 yards off hand. Probably the only one I will ever kill. The meat was super tough.
The 8pt was shot after I had decided it was useless to hunt that evening. BIrd hunters with dogs had the deer running everywhere. I went ahead and got into one of my stands. A few minutes before legal light ended this buck came down the trail in front of me 35 yards away. a 300gr XTP from my .45 did the trick. reflex264