« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 10:36:57 AM »
You don't say if it is a laptop or desktop, but I had that problem with my laptop. It is a Sony VAIO. It turned out to be an overheating problem due to the processor cooling fins clogged with lint. I had already noticed that the fan ran at high speed almost all of the time, unlike when it was new .....and then it just started spontaneously shutting down (not orderly shutdown, I mean "lights off"). It was the overheat safety kicking in to save the processor.
I had to dig into it using instructions I found on a computer forum. I removed a "cake" of lint that resembled felt it was so solidly compacted. That fixed mine. I hope your problem is similarly simple.
Lord, please help me to be half the man my dogs think I am.
Contender in 17 Rem, 22lr, 22k Hornet, 223 Rem, 256 WM, 6TCU, 7TCU, 7-30, 30 Herrett, 300 Whisper, 30-30 AI, 357 mag, 357 Herrett, 375 JDJ, 44 mag, 45/410..... so far.