So, on a whim, I bought a SW MP15 last week. 5.56 chamber and 8 twist barrel.Ive only shot it a half a dozen times so far, but it seems like a very nice rifle. This is my first AR of any type, but I am impressed with the array of caliber options, and how easy a rifel it seems to be to clean and maintane. I have a few questions, if anyone wouldnt mind to share some experience. What is the average price of beginner level uppers? Im not a thousand yard competitor, and this is mostly a fun gun for me, and I would like a 22LR upper, but I dont want to spend 600 bucks on it. Also, does anyone make a 22 mag upper? What about 44 mag uppers? I have several 44s around, both rifles and revolvers, and it seems an upper in 44 mag would be a serious close range hunting rifle. Any tips or random thoughts for a new AR enthusiast? Sorry for the long rambling post, its all new to me, and Im kinda excited about my new acquisition. Thanks all for your thoughts.