Author Topic: M4 newbie  (Read 771 times)

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Offline Farrier Matt

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M4 newbie
« on: June 24, 2011, 04:24:06 AM »
So, on a whim, I bought a SW MP15 last week. 5.56 chamber and 8 twist barrel.Ive only shot it a half a dozen times so far, but it seems like a very nice rifle. This is my first AR of any type, but I am impressed with the array of caliber options, and how easy a rifel it seems to be to clean and maintane.  I have a few questions, if anyone wouldnt mind to share some experience. What is the average price of beginner level uppers? Im not a thousand yard competitor, and this is mostly a fun gun for me, and I would like a 22LR upper, but I dont want to spend 600 bucks on it. Also, does anyone make a 22 mag upper? What about 44 mag uppers? I have several 44s around, both rifles and revolvers, and it seems an upper in 44 mag would be a serious close range hunting rifle. Any tips or random thoughts for a new AR enthusiast? Sorry for the long rambling post, its all new to me, and Im kinda excited about my new acquisition. Thanks all for your thoughts.

Offline Bugflipper

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Re: M4 newbie
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 12:02:18 PM »
Technically you don't have to get an upper half in 22lr. You can  get a 22lr conversion for your 223/5.56 upper. They are all pretty much the same copy that I have seen. Mine is spikes tactical. You pull out your bolt and put these in it's place. Ceiner is the only one to stay away from, reported bad experiences with functionality and the owner from many shooters online.

Here's a few examples of cmmg for sale. Black dog used to be the best mags, I don't know about these cmmg mags, but they are running a kit and 3 mags for under 200

When I was looking to get one it was suggested to get a stainless model because the coated ones had to wear in before they were reliable. Mine ran 2 or 3 mags of jams and then hasn't jammed again, so I guess they all have a wear in period.
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Offline Farrier Matt

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Re: M4 newbie
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 06:07:27 PM »
Hey, thanks for the reply. Right now Im thinking of going with dedicated uppers. I know its more money, but Im not in a real big hurry, and think it would be pretty neat to just switch uppers and have a totally different rifle. I found a 45acp upper, which might go on my list, but am still looking for a 44 mag. Not sure if anyone makes one or not. Thanks again for the info.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: M4 newbie
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2011, 02:39:52 AM »
for the price of a good conversion you can buy a smith 15-22 and not have to swap parts everytime you go to the range. Ive never seen a 22 mag conversion or a 44 mag. Olympic makes 9mm and 10mm conversion. A 10mm would to me make a handy little rifle capeable of taking deer sized game.
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Offline Farrier Matt

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Re: M4 newbie
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2011, 10:51:39 AM »
A 10mm would be cool, but since I have a pistol in 45, Ill probably go that route, just so they match. I was hoping to find a 44 for the same reason. I can see how this AR stuff can get addictive. LOL Ive been looking through the Midway catalogue and thinking, man I want one of those, and one of those, and.....LOL

Offline Savage

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Re: M4 newbie
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2011, 06:35:24 AM »
Based on my relatively brief experience with the S&W 15-22 (1100rds), I would also recommend them. Mine is as accurate as my silhouette 10/22. It deserves a good scope for sure. Function has been near flawless with Federal Bulk, and extra magazines are inexpensive. I don't care for the conversion kits due to the following reasons:
The sights can be regulated for the .22lr, and not require sight changes between the 2 cartridges.
No compromise on twist rates. (5.56  1=7-1-9) for most ARs. 1-16 for most rimfire .22s.
Possible gas system contamination/barrel leading, from use of leaded or plated .22lr ammo.
It's also a plus having a dedicated .22lr trainer for little more than the price of a good conversion and a few magazines.

Good inexpensive trainer!
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Offline teddy12b

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Re: M4 newbie
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2011, 08:28:58 AM »
As far as cheaper beginner level uppers just to have, I'd say get on gunbroker.  Lots of used uppers on there and if you want another one just to have it and aren't too picky you can find some incredible deals for less than $400.

As far as a 22lr in an AR goes there's a lot to it.  You can get the conversion kits, which are lighter and take up less space if you want to put it in a backpack, but the 22lr and 223/5.56 have much different twists in the rifling of the barrels, so from what I've "heard" don't expect to make great shots over 50 yards with the 22lr conversion kits.  The 22lr complete uppers are great, but for the same amount of money you could have a S&W 15-22 that's meant to shoot a 22lr from the ground up and you'll have two guns.  Personally I'd rather just buy the S&W 22lr so I didn't have to swap parts all the time and lets, face it who wouldn't rather have two guns for the same money.

As far as a 44mag upper goes.  I don't think you're going to see it happen.  Don't get me wrong if it happens I'll be buying one, but it's a rimmed case which makes it tough to feed in an AR platform.  I heard rumors that someone was making them years ago, but went out of business from problems he had with quality, reliability and so on.  There's a new push in the pistol cartridge rifle market now so maybe there's hope for one in the future, but don't count on it.

I don't think I've ever seen a 22mag upper so I can't really help there.

Offline Farrier Matt

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Re: M4 newbie
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2011, 02:39:41 AM »
Thanks for the replys. I have a lot to learn about these things, never really been around anything like the ARs before. They seem like a lot of fun and a very versatile weapon. Thanks for all the info.