While credit must be given to Remington for a very strong action which has been used many years by the military, the basic model Remington rifles are highly modified by or for the military. Remember, the problem with Rem misfires was recently highlighted by a military armorer, who said that was one of the points they made sure was eliminated in their modifications This debate over bolt action rifles may in the near future, prove to be a moot point. Looks like the Army is going semi auto for their standardized sniper rifle. The M110 acheived a regular .65 MOA ans has the extra benefit of followup shots..for group engagement or in case of a near miss.
http://www.military.com/forums/0,15240,146717,00.html As mcwoodduck said, the police don't require the accuracy such as id required by a varmint rifle such as a Savage model 12, or even the accuracy desired by a varmint hunting AR15...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNG2w2TADus Although I am not sure of how much and what degree by models it is done, the Matrines rework all their sniper rifles at Quantico. My grandson, whose MOS is armorer once considered working at the shop ther, but ended elsewhere. While serving in Al Anbar, he and his best friend were designated snipers for their unit. For this purpose, he built a "hand-select" M-16 base rifles.
BTW: This is the 4th paragraph of that first article (Military.com);
" Being a highly modified Model 700 Remington bolt-action repeating rifle, the M24 is capable of great precision accuracy. However, lessons were relearned in Somalia and in target-rich environments encountered in the G-WOT that a self-loading rifle can be fired in succession 4 to 5 times faster than a bolt action rifle. Thus, the Army was determined to standardize a semi-automatic sniper rifle."