Author Topic: Obesity Good for our Nation?  (Read 1066 times)

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Obesity Good for our Nation?
« on: June 27, 2011, 09:04:52 AM »
   Obesity in America has been on the rise for some time now.  It is common knowledge that obesity leads to many significant health problems and can greatly shorten one's life span.  Some Americans are outraged that today in a civilized society we as a nation can allow this trend to continue.  Schools, restaurants , and even certain states are attempting to or have already banned certain foods or methods of cooking that add trans fats. While some believe that there should be more laws and regulations to stop the upward trend of being severely overweight, I believe that obesity should be allowed to continue without any intervention. In the long run it will be good for our nation.

   The Declaration of Independance states that we have the God given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There is nothing more connected to personal liberty than what foods someone decides to put in their bodies.  If we allow our society to make rules and regulations regarding what someone can eat, then there is no limit to the liberties we will surrender.  Some would argue that since being obese can lead to a premature death, we have the right to interfere to ensure the safety of our people. Smoking, consuming alcohol,  driving a car, walking downstairs, playing football, sleeping, swimming, running, and even showering could all potentially lead to death. Do we have the right to create laws to regulate those activities as well? It almost seems harsh and callous, but either you believe in freedom and liberty or you don't. To truly believe in freedom, there is no way to be ok with any rule, law, or restriction on what or how much someone chooses to eat or how little they choose to exercise. It is better for our nation to secure our personal liberties than to strip our freedom to prolong the life of people who would otherwise choose to eat too much and/or exercise too little.

   Aside from rare medical problems, the only way for a person to become severely overweight is to consume many more calories than are burned off. Everyone knows that obesity leads to severe health problems and even death. People that choose to become or remain obese either aren't intelligent enough to understand the relationship between what they eat and what they weigh, or they simply do not care that they are destroying their bodies. I am in no way advocating that because they are overweight that their life is less worthy or they deserve to die young, but in a time where resources are few and people are plenty, shortened life spans from less productive members of society is not necessarily a bad thing. It may seem heartless to some, but it is the survival of the fittest. People will either change their ways on their own or die out from the consequences. 

   Is obesity bad for our nation?  Of course it is. A portion of the people are eating a large portion of the food supply while others go hungry.  Do we as a society have the right to change this? If you believe in the Constitution, then no we do not have the right to control what or how much or how little someone eats or exercises. Is it sad that people shorten their life spans by eating their life away? It is beyond saddening to almost heartbreaking, but it is their choices alone that will lead to their death. As saddening and terrible obesity is for our nation, it would be worse if steps were taken to change it. Allowing obesity to run its natural course is the only way to secure what is left of our freedoms. Maintaining our personal liberty is the only way for our nation to prosper, therefore allowing obesity to continue is actually good for our nation.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2011, 09:17:15 AM »
mmmmmmmm, ribs, tater salad and sweet tea with pecan pie for dessert.
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Offline Heather

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2011, 09:33:07 AM »
mmmmmmmm, ribs, tater salad and sweet tea with pecan pie for dessert.

You shouldn't be talking like that unless you are talking about sharing!  ;)

On a more serious note I pulled out this old English paper because this is yet another issue where government intervention is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and a serious infringement on our liberty.  We have already lost the right to send our kids to public school with a lunch of our choosing in many school districts. We have already lost the rights for food service places to use certain cooking oil to prepare our food.  Slippery slopes and all...

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2011, 09:34:47 AM »
No, obesity is not good. I've gained some lately, and I had some Blue Bell ice cream last night. It was good.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline Heather

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2011, 09:42:25 AM »
No, obesity is not good. I've gained some lately, and I had some Blue Bell ice cream last night. It was good.

No, obesity is not good, but doing anything to control it would be worse.

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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2011, 09:46:32 AM »
Heather, I don't always agree with you, but being old, I can remember when life was free.
so when it comes to the constitution, I'm always on your side.
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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2011, 04:25:46 PM »
I agree, no way should our government have any say so in what foods we want to eat. If someone wants to eat double whoppers every day they should be able to. If a restaurant wants to make french fries in Crisco they should be able to. Pretty soon you won't be able to buy anything that tastes good because government is already putting fat restrictions on foods. With all the info about how fat will kill you. I figure people should be able to make the choice on their own whether they want to be fat or not.
Now that government has got their foot in the door on health care. I figure the fat police are just getting started. They will say, hey, we are giving you health care, you can't eat anything with fat in it. Government is always trying to save us from ourselves, with trying to hinder the use of things. Now they want to take our fat away.  >:(   
The sentence in your article Heather that says, "Aside from rare medical problems, the only way for a person to become severely overweight is to consume many more calories than are burned off", is right on. I tell people I work with, that are always on some diet, that all they have to do is eat less or burn more calories. Many don't want to hear the burn more calories part, because it takes work. They want some easy diet plan, that they read in a book. I know people that have a whole library of diet books, and they are still fat as ever. Its like sell the books, get off your butt, and go walk, run, ride a bicycle, lift weights, or play a sport. Its not rocket science. to lose weight you have to burn more calories then you take in.     
 One guy I work with has had two heart attacks, and is still way over weight. He opens his lunch box and its full of cookies and cakes. I have told him if he doesn't care about himself, to think about his kids, that would love to have him around for awhile. He is obviously one of the ones that just don't care about himself. When you have a family to take care of, it isn't about you.
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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2011, 05:45:29 PM »
When I worked at wm at lunch I'd see the same people chowing down on fattening foods and deserts, then top it off with a DIET bottle or can of pop. One guy in particular was terrible about it. Diabetic, take a shot of insulin, and eat cakes and cookies. Kenny is dead now. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2011, 04:44:38 AM »
Yeah, them pertabations will get you every time.  What's a "pertabation?"

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2011, 11:13:56 AM »
I agree that it is better to not have government directly prohibit or control eating behavior.  Generally I think government ought to be minimally intrusive and minimally sized.  There are things that can be done without imposing objectionable regulations on us however.  The linkage between obesity and health problems can be communicated to the general public -- repeatedly and in different kinds of messages.  The linkage can be taught in schools.  Part of the strategy for reducing obesity ought to be to teach what behaviors lead to obesity and which can help avoid obesity: drink more water, don't eat just before going to bed, take a walk.  These may be obvious things, but it is still important to share these messages.

I fear that if we migrate to a single payer healthcare system -- where the government is the payer -- there will be offensive and restrictive regulations.  One such possible regulation would be to outlaw the sale of stuff deemed unhealthy.  Ban soda pop?  Ban selling thickly marbled steaks?

I keep my weight down and I exercise.  My regime does not, however, eliminate fat or bad foods from my diet -- I manage the quantities.  For example, I have a feast-like meal every saturday night that I cook.  A good dinner wine specially selected to go with the meal.  Sometimes a dessert.  Often the main dish is pretty rich -- possibly with a rich sauce made from heavy cream.  Pretty often we have cheese at the end of the meal.  Butter, probably some of that involved.  But I don't eat this way every day or at every meal.  I would get pretty upset if I couldn't buy what I wanted to eat once a week because the government thinks if I ate that way at every meal I would get fat.

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2011, 12:38:51 PM »
Thank you God, that I live in a country where obesity is a problem, and my grandchildren are not starving.  Thank you that we live in a country where even poor people can get food, unlike many in India and Africa.  Diabetes and all the related diseases that come with obesity beat starvation hands down.  Hopefully people will learn to moderate, and I see already many going to more natural foods.  This will help, the rest will have to be self control, not government control.

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2011, 12:43:09 PM »
Thank you God, that I live in a country where obesity is a problem, and my grandchildren are not starving.  Thank you that we live in a country where even poor people can get food, unlike many in India and Africa.  Diabetes and all the related diseases that come with obesity beat starvation hands down.  Hopefully people will learn to moderate, and I see already many going to more natural foods.  This will help, the rest will have to be self control, not government control.

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2011, 02:48:28 PM »
Obesity seems to be the worst thing to come along since starvation.
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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2011, 03:51:29 PM »
How much does and will obesity cost us as a nation when the overweight develop health problems- which they will.

Anyone change their opinions ?

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2011, 07:11:05 PM »
How much does and will obesity cost us as a nation when the overweight develop health problems- which they will.

Anyone change their opinions ?
This reminds me of those who argue that smokers cost society less by dieing sooner. Heart attacks don't leave you in chemo for a couple years either. Quality of life though is a serious consideration as you reach that grabber.

I'm convinced being a fat b*****d is not a good plan for a fruitful life. It is my life, to do with whatever I choose, and I must be willing to live with the consequences of my decisions.
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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2011, 08:08:45 PM »
How much does and will obesity cost us as a nation when the overweight develop health problems- which they will.

Anyone change their opinions ?

Nope but not sure what yours is.

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Offline Heather

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2011, 08:14:02 PM »
How much does and will obesity cost us as a nation when the overweight develop health problems- which they will.

Anyone change their opinions ?

Nope, not at all. I am however concerned that you think that this should factor in whether or not the Government has the authority  to control what or how much we eat. What is your opinion exactly on what should be done?
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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2011, 12:50:53 AM »
How much does and will obesity cost us as a nation when the overweight develop health problems- which they will.

Anyone change their opinions ?

 Oh, Ok lets just have government control and regulate everything in our lives that could harm us. This thought is no different than the idea that government should control guns. After all people get shot with guns and have to go to the hospital, where it will cost money. Right XD?
Maybe Obama could start a fat program, where government hires thousands of government employees, let them form a public union, give them all the goodies they want, because the tax payers are paying. Then they can police us on how much each of us weigh. What do you think XD?   
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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2011, 01:15:38 AM »
How much does and will obesity cost us as a nation when the overweight develop health problems- which they will.

Anyone change their opinions ?

Nope, not at all. I am however concerned that you think that this should factor in whether or not the Government has the authority  to control what or how much we eat. What is your opinion exactly on what should be done?
When the action of others affects me in the pocket book, I feel something must be done to help lower the cause. Not all these people have medical insurance. So that means someone has to pay for it and that someone is me.

Offline Heather

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2011, 08:36:23 AM »
How much does and will obesity cost us as a nation when the overweight develop health problems- which they will.

Anyone change their opinions ?

Nope, not at all. I am however concerned that you think that this should factor in whether or not the Government has the authority  to control what or how much we eat. What is your opinion exactly on what should be done?
When the action of others affects me in the pocket book, I feel something must be done to help lower the cause. Not all these people have medical insurance. So that means someone has to pay for it and that someone is me.

Well I must admit something else here.  I do not believe that the Government has the authority to even be involved in health care much less taking tax dollars to fund it. I do not believe that ANY of the Government entitlement programs are Constitutional. I am a firm believer if Government stayed out of the health care industry period then cost would fall to the point to where people could actually afford health care or insurance. Call me heartless if you will, but if someone eats themselves to near death, then NO we the tax payer should NOT have to pay their medical bills. This is just YET ANOTHER UNCONSTITUTIONAL idea that people just seem to go along with. The only medical bills that should be incurred by the tax payer should be their own or our military. When you feel the strain on your wallet instead of opting for MORE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION to keep your money, how about fighting for LESS GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION. Either way, you could keep your money, but only one way will Liberty prosper.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2011, 09:26:02 AM »
the proof of what happens when gov. gets involved in health care is all around us.
Canadians with the money come here for care.  obama care will lump us together with all the other social systems with poor healthcare.   Mass. has a failing system. U.K. has a failing system.
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Re: Obesity Good for our Nation?
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2011, 01:24:10 PM »
I am 6' even and 185 lbs which is ideal weight for me(large frame male). I keep a close eye on my calorie count and activity level. I have a pretty good allowance on calories due to my frame size. I think anyone that cared and knew their calorie/activity guidelines could be the weight they wanted to be, with the obvious exception of a CONFIRMED medical condition. All the info is on line these days and very specific. I had a blind date years ago where she blamed her weight on a "Thyroid" problem as she scarfed down a Big Country Breakfast with 3 pancakes. She later came clean but hiding the fact that you eat too many calories should be recognized and should not be shameful. Problem is nobody, not even the law, can make anyone want to be healthy. When folks need comfort they eat(calories), they drink booze( a lot of calories), or they starve themselves for self esteem. I think it is entirely the decision of the individual, way out of the rhelm of govt regulation.