Yes,,,that has been a HC insurance company threat for age as a pre-existing condition. Lot of problems in this country go right back to no viable people oriented HC system.... and one linked to employment.
The health insurance that everyone hates was a Democrat idea introduced by Kennedy.
part of the problem we have with health insurance is everyone wantes everything covered for a very low price.
Economics does not work that way and the lower the price the more people will demand that good or service.
As tyhe Liberals have all pointed out as you lower the pay for workers you get dumber workers. If you lower the pay for the doctors the smart people are going to go else where to make more money.
The best thing is to de regulate the private industries and allow them to meet the level of coverage needed by a person or group, much like we do with the auto insurance. Heck if you expected all of your car washes and oil changes to be free with your car insurance the rates too would be through the roof and the oil change and car washes will have lines out the door.
You can not fix the system by breaking it. Look at Canada they have free health care but have to wait 8 times as long for needed services than we do. The better way to fix health care is to make it possible for medical expenses to be recovered. Legally if you walk into an emergency room and get care they can not collect if you do not pay them nad they have to treat you again. These failed costs are passed on to anyone who does pay. Make it so that the system can go after your assests or pay and costs will come down.
What congress did and what Obama signed is criminal and I hope some day they reap what they sowed.