We all know..or are supposed to anyway, that the ivy league schools are the epitome of intellectual elegance; so why are some of us not impressed ? Perhaps because they come out with stupid, left leaning, politically biased studies.
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2011/07/july-4th-july-fourth-parade-fireworks-republicans.html Tell me now that these birds are brilliant !
First off, they separate by Democrat vs Republican. They are a bit slow, with recent events, liberal vs conservative would be more appropriate.
They may have taken a survey somewhere, which showed that more attendees at patriotic parades were conservative than liberal. Well DUH!...
Is it just possible that those on the conservative side are simply more patriotic and more likely to attend patriotic functions ? I submit that people don't attend parades to become more conservative/patriotic...but rather because they already are patriotic.
In (Isaiah 1:18a) the Lord says "come, let us reason together..."
Let's do that now.. Answer the following questions...with either "conservative" or "liberal"..
A) Who is more likely to siphon funds from, rather than pay taxes to the federal treasury ?
B) Who is more likely to want our nation to obey international law, rather than to assert our soveriegnty ?
C) Who wants us to stay dependant on foreign oil, rather trhan to use our own ?
D) Who has in past years been guilty of abusing our homecoming troops ?
E) Who keeps saying our constitution is a "living, breathing" document, subject to whimsical changes ?
F) Which is more likely to burn the flag ?
G) Which is more inclined to condemn the US in it's relations with other nations ?
H) Which is overwhelmingly represented by the fighting troops who preserve our freedom ?
I) Which is eager to call our fighting men/women cruel and "cold blooded killers", while virtually ignoring atrocities by our enemy ?
J) Which is ever ready to cut the military budget & wages..but resistant to cut welfare and other frills, like NEA, community activists, Nat Endowment for the arts etc ?
K) Which is most willing to have our borders violated regularly ?
L) Which wants illegal fence jumpers and line buckers to be granted full citizenship ?
M) Which is more inclined to honor the traditionally American practices and habits (e.g. God, family, country, individualism, individual rights, 2nd amendment and the full Bill of Rights) ?
I could go on for hours, but which side has PROVEN itself to be very disinterested in thje usual patriotic pursuits ?
You can answer it for yourself..