:toast: Wow, almost as many ways to fireform brass as there are different kinds of beer at the local market. You choose one pending on the taste you are craving and the amount of time (or money) you have to spend.
I have done most of the methods mentioned above, except firing .223 ammo in my 7mm barrel. My opinion it is a dangerous waste for what you get from it. Just my :money: .
I am a silhouette shooter. A good standing load is 8 grains of Unique and an RCBS 145 sil cast bullet. Very mild with minimum recoil. Take a .223 brass, run it thru the RCBS 7TCU sizer die, trim to about 1.730 (this is about average for RP, Win, and PMC brass), debur case mouth and flash hole, then shoot the above load for silhouette practice. This load will form 90% of that shoulder, and is good for plinking, practice, and my standing silhouette matches. I then load the brass with my one of my silhouette loads and use them in one specific barrel for chickens and pigs out to 100 meters. These steel critters just don't realize the difference when hit with a 3" load vs a 1" load. After this second firing, my brass is fully formed, and ready for use in this particular barrel for silhouette turkeys, rams, shoot offs, hunting, etc. Using this method, I am continuously building my supply of 7TCU brass for each of my 7TCUs.
Just another method to the madness..... :bye: