Perry did the right thing by killing that bill. With the Feds threatening to shut down all out of state air travel, from and to Texas if it passed, there was no other choice.
Perry killed the TSA bill to empress the bilderberg group. According to Jim Tucker the bilderbergers favor him as the next republican presidential candidate for 2012. He wants to show them he can shove their evil agenda down the throats of the people as good as Obama.
The fact that the feds threatened to shut down all airports in Texas if the bill passed shows how far out of control the feds are. The constitution is almost dead if the 4
th and 10
th amendments no longer apply. All we have left is the 1
st and 2
nd and they are under attack too. If the bill would have passed and the feds shut down the airports in Texas as threatened, it would have started the national revolt against the TSA we need.