Hey guys and gals. I'm going to be hunting with a crossbow for the first time this coming up season. I'm a total newbie to archery hunting and know next to nothing about it. It would be great if you could clear up a few things for me.
Are broadheads for cross bows any different than for regular compound bows? I've heard that I need to shoot a 125 grain broadhead, because it takes a heavier one to stabalize the shorter bolt. What say you guys?
Also, looking in the Bass Pro catalogue, there are many different bolts to choose from. Does the choice of bolts really make that much difference? Three carbon arrows came with my crossbow, and they shoot very accurately. I don't know whether to just get a half dozen more of those, or opt for the more expensive ones. I don't mind spending the extra money if it's worth it, but don't want to do it uneccessarily.
Thanks in advance, and feel free to offer any additional advice. Like I said, I'm a rookie.