Author Topic: 5 in the ruger  (Read 1457 times)

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5 in the ruger
« on: July 06, 2011, 03:02:38 AM »
how many of you ruger shooters load one skip one......why/why not.  i dont but think i should just in case i should ever get a colt/ clone.

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 03:58:31 AM »
I have Colt's and clones, but I still carry 6 in my Ruger and other transfer bar actions.  It's easy enough to tell and has not been a problem.  You don't confuse one gun for the other when you pick them up so it's not a problem.  I carry 6 in the Ruger for hunting and walking the woods.  I carry 5 in the Colt and clones at cowboy action and plinking.  I guess the purpose determines which gun I take and also determines whether I will be loading 5 or 6.  44 Man
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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2011, 05:46:45 AM »
six in the rugers, 5 in the others.

it takes a little thinking, but thinking is a good thing whenever handling firearms  ;)

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2011, 08:32:21 AM »
5 in everything but my 83 fa guns which get 4. I dont care if its a ruger or not or if im hunting or sitting on a bench they get 5 all the time. Thats that way i learned to load a single action and i cant see a single situation where that extra round was ever needed anyway.
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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2011, 11:06:44 AM »
44man the Ruger at 10:00 position looks like it might have paid a visit to Magna-Port at some point in it's like. That trigger and hammer look like their work. Is that why they have the gold looking color to him?
Some of the parts on my Ruger Super Single Six with 9.5" barrel has that coloration and some parts are highly polished.
I was actually more interested in real improvements to the gun and less so cosmetic ones but they wanted to do the cosmetics as well. They wound up so concerned with cosmetics they failed to do what I had actually sent it there for. Oh well stuff happens. It's purdy now anyway.
I won a SBH Predator I think it was called at a White Oak Annual Handgun Hunt the last one they held in fact and it had a green front sight kinda like your red one. It too had the cosmetic touches similar to yours and my SS.

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2011, 04:46:07 PM »
I don't want to Hi-jack the thread, but I'll answer Graybeard's question.  Yes, that is a 'Mag-na-port gun. (so is the Stalker work up on a Freedom Arms premier) This old one was a forerunner to the Predator and is on a new model SBH before the warning was stamped on the barrels.  This SBH was a 'tri-color' Mag-na-port with a super polish and blue on it.  The grips and ejector housing were satin nickled, and the pins and hammer and trigger were gold plated and it got a 5" barrel back when that was thought to be the 'best' compromise for velocity versis barrel length.  It now wears a satin nickle aluminum grip frame, a fluted cylinder and a high polish blue steel ejector housing (the rework also done by Mag-na-port).  The red 'C-more' front sight got damaged reciently and now she wears a green one just like yours.  In fact, I was just at the range yesterday sighting it back in from the change.  I enjoy it very much and Kenny does some incredable work.  Sorry your communication with him got sidetracked somewhere, he is a very good and compent gunsmith and I highly recomment him.  44 Man
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Offline tinman

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2011, 03:10:37 AM »
Hi-jack away!  have a chance to get a pre- predator.  it,s nice but so is my 44.  dont think i need two.  44 man do you think its that much nicer than the sbh??? anyone??

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2011, 03:21:56 AM »
Go for it tinman!  Kenny's work makes that SBH just all that much nicer!  Sorry, off topic again.  I carry 6 in my Ruger's.  44 Man
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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2011, 05:25:22 AM »
I carry 6 in guns with a transfer bar , why not ? When I had Colts and copies it was 5 .
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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2011, 08:14:11 AM »
5 in everything but my 83 fa guns which get 4. I dont care if its a ruger or not or if im hunting or sitting on a bench they get 5 all the time. Thats that way i learned to load a single action and i cant see a single situation where that extra round was ever needed anyway.

+1   This has always been my MOA with SA's as well, and for the same two reasons.  Was taught that way, it isn't broke so doesn't need fixing, and if you can't get it done with 5 you won't get it done with 6 either.   ;)
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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2011, 08:15:54 AM »
5 in everything but my 83 fa guns which get 4. I dont care if its a ruger or not or if im hunting or sitting on a bench they get 5 all the time. Thats that way i learned to load a single action and i cant see a single situation where that extra round was ever needed anyway.
You must never find yourself in a target rich enviroment  ;D
+1   This has always been my MOA with SA's as well, and for the same two reasons.  Was taught that way, it isn't broke so doesn't need fixing, and if you can't get it done with 5 you won't get it done with 6 either.   ;)
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2011, 08:05:47 AM »
targets dont shoot back and give me plenty of time to reload. If capasity is a big deal a guy can buy a 18 shot glock, sig or one of the other ugly black guns. Shooting a single action is when i kick back and enjoy life at a slow pace. Id never get more the probably 3 shots off on a game animal, at least i havent in my 20 years of handgun hunting. I dont carry a single action for self defense and even if i did i could never see where a civilian would ever need to shoot that many shots and like i said targets just dont shoot back. I also dont see where it adds that much time to me shooting to reload after 5 shots instead of 6. Maybe if all i had were guns with transfer bars id load 6 too. But man is a creature of habbits and if you load 6 all the time in a ruger someday your going to forget and stick them in a colt or usfa or uberti. Id never recomend anything else to any shooter as you just dont know the extent of his gun knowlege and he may not know the differnce. 
5 in everything but my 83 fa guns which get 4. I dont care if its a ruger or not or if im hunting or sitting on a bench they get 5 all the time. Thats that way i learned to load a single action and i cant see a single situation where that extra round was ever needed anyway.
You must never find yourself in a target rich enviroment  ;D
+1   This has always been my MOA with SA's as well, and for the same two reasons.  Was taught that way, it isn't broke so doesn't need fixing, and if you can't get it done with 5 you won't get it done with 6 either.   ;)
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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2011, 08:15:32 AM »
I like 6 in the gun if it can carry them safe.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Ladobe

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2011, 08:24:42 AM »
5 in everything but my 83 fa guns which get 4. I dont care if its a ruger or not or if im hunting or sitting on a bench they get 5 all the time. Thats that way i learned to load a single action and i cant see a single situation where that extra round was ever needed anyway.

 1   This has always been my MOA with SA's as well, and for the same two reasons.  Was taught that way, it isn't broke so doesn't need fixing, and if you can't get it done with 5 you won't get it done with 6 either.   ;)
You must never find yourself in a target rich enviroment  ;D

SHOOTALL, a target rich environment doesn't change anything... I can get it done with 5 just fine, then reload... don't need 6 (or 8 or 10).   Doesn't bother me that others want/load 6 or more, shouldn't bother them that I don't.   :)
Evolution at work. Over two million years ago the genus Homo had small cranial capacity and thick skin to protect them from their environment. One species has evolved into obese cranial fatheads with thin skin in comparison that whines about anything and everything as their shield against their environment. Meus


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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2011, 08:50:34 AM »
I'm happy for all who only load 5 , wouldn't bother me if they load 4 or 3 . But I just don't think I want to be so arrogrant as  to live in the 1800's when Bill Ruger went to the trouble to build a modern SA hand gun for the 1900's woops 2000's   ;D . Guess it depends on your targets also , you ever shoot wasp with snake shot while they are flying ?  ;)
As for loading a Colt , I shoot both auto and pump shotguns with out trouble also. Its all about putting your mind on the task at hand.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2011, 02:27:04 PM »
I tend to shoot 5 in lots of things, it is a holdover from my 'Bullseye' days. It also uses a box of 50 up evenly.
I also find myself subconsciously counting rounds; guess Im just obsessive/compulsive (oh yeah, ya think?!).
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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2011, 02:36:11 PM »

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Offline Ladobe

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2011, 06:51:30 PM »
I'm happy for all who only load 5 , wouldn't bother me if they load 4 or 3 . But I just don't think I want to be so arrogrant as  to live in the 1800's when Bill Ruger went to the trouble to build a modern SA hand gun for the 1900's woops 2000's   ;D . Guess it depends on your targets also , you ever shoot wasp with snake shot while they are flying ?  ;)
As for loading a Colt , I shoot both auto and pump shotguns with out trouble also. Its all about putting your mind on the task at hand.

Arrogant?   Nope, when it comes to SA's, muzzleloaders and some other things I'm just a traditionalists that has seen no valid reason to change what I prefer to use in the name of so called progress.
Wasps?   Nope, see no need to kill just to be killing in the name of sport alone, not since I was a kid.
Task?   I always match my preferences to the task at hand, just my personal choice.   That is what is right for me and what I derive the most enjoyment from.   Do I give up anything?   Not at all, not a single thing important to me.   I can get it done with 5 or less.
As they say, to each his own.   Works for me.   8)
Evolution at work. Over two million years ago the genus Homo had small cranial capacity and thick skin to protect them from their environment. One species has evolved into obese cranial fatheads with thin skin in comparison that whines about anything and everything as their shield against their environment. Meus

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2011, 03:25:39 AM »
shootall does have a point. It is a safe practice and what hes doing sure isnt wrong. My problem is im old school and its hard to change something thats worked for me for 35 years.
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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2011, 09:11:47 AM »
Point?   Did someone say his choice of preferring the modernized SA's was wrong or unsafe?   Guess I missed that if so.   He is certainly entitled to his choice of the SA's he wants to use, same as we all are, and I easily accept that.
Wrong would be saying that loading 5 in a traditional SA is unsafe.    I don't see staying with them as a problem, just a personal choice that's worked fine for me for over 50 years.   So my preference will never change, and some folks can't seem to accept that.   ;)   
Evolution at work. Over two million years ago the genus Homo had small cranial capacity and thick skin to protect them from their environment. One species has evolved into obese cranial fatheads with thin skin in comparison that whines about anything and everything as their shield against their environment. Meus

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2011, 11:17:49 AM »
I say everyone should do what makes them comfortable with single actions, as long as everyone is safe, no problem.  I am used to loading five in any single action without a transfer bar, and have no problem with switching to six in the Ruger, but I've had them all apart many times and know how they all work.  Each firearm has it's own safety features, but the best safety feature is in our heads.  Far as Ruger goes or any others with transfer bars where the hammer sits on the frame, that was just one small thing that attracted me to them besides the toughness of the Ruger.  Always carried six in double actions as well, but the firing pin wasn't sticking through the frame on those either. I never had a problem getting mixed up on different firearms...if I get that old and forget those things and become unsafe with guns, my wife has orders to take em away from me. 

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2011, 06:20:21 PM »
I'm pretty "old school" myself. I take pride when folks call me "cowboy," and I like to think I walk the walk. I've had SA six-guns since I was 14, I'm now almost 65 so I know how to load a Colt. When Ruger came out with the transfer bar I thought it was the greatest thing to happen to a SA..... YOU COULD CARRY SIX SAFELY!!! I even (horror of horrors) sent my old 3 screw SBH in to be converted!!!!!! Yep, did it...So you all carry how ever many you want, for whatever reasons you want, it don't matter to me. But I've never heard of having one more round in the gun being detrimental. So I'm carrying all she'll hold..safely.

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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2011, 07:23:39 AM »
I would hate to lose the fight because I needed one more bullet in a six shooter and only loaded 5.
Then again, if you cant get it done in 5, will 6 matter?
Judgement call.
If I knew I was going to a knife fight I'd take my gun, if I knew I was going to a gunfight I'd take more than a handgun and a bunch of friends.
Anybody saying,"OK Corral"?
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Re: 5 in the ruger
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2011, 07:32:14 AM »
i  load 6  because  i don't want to keep up with the empty chamber

i  know....TRAINING......wasted training time could be spent shooting

i  used  to carry  2  shot shells....a shot at a  snake  or rat  is  more realistic  in  my world

did  it for  years

but  got  tired  of keeping  up with  what  chamber  is where
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