I do not understand the Anti NRA movement?? There are 4 million gun owners who sip Kool Aid and wear blinders??? How can that many Americans fit this description We do not drink Kool Aid and we are not blind.
As the owners of a very successful Firearms and Sporting Goods Distributorship that is over 50 years old. I am very proud of our relationship with the NRA and its supporters. I am always surprised at attacks from people in firearms related endeavors who attack the NRA.
NO! There are NOT 4 million gun owners sipping kool-aid and wearing blinders. But there is a large number of American gun owners, both members and former members of the NRA that are sick and tired of the NRA compromising anti gun legislation and supporting leftwing politicians who would shred the Second A.
I find it puzzling , you find it strange that we go after the NRA when they side with the enemy.
Most of the Gun related forums on the WWW are exposing the corruption at the NRA.Most people still taking up for them are tied to them in some way. Heads of local chapters, rifle range instructors and such.Most of that 4 million you mention, get compromised gun bills, and monthly donation request's for their hard earned dollars. Your proud of your relationship with the NRA.......There are many others who are not!We are NOT the enemy! We're the ones that will not compromise our right to keep and bear arms, and we damn sure aren't liberal Democrats as some would have you believe.