The only issue I see with 12V accessories, is you can't run it off the genset directly, so if you have battery issues, you are SOL. Besides, 12V accessories requrie 10x+ the wiring ampacity that 120V do. 1A at 120V is 10A at, not accounting for voltage drop, which drives it up further. A #10 wire can handle 30A of 120V current, but only 10-12A of 12V current, otherwise voltage drop is excessive. Have you priced copper these days!
The simple solution is to use the genset with your existing accessories, and use the battery/inverter as a nighttime convenience, since you have the charger for free and inverter already. I would invest in compact fluorescent lights. Screw LED ligths, they cost 50x as much, and may requrire new receptacles to work properly. We are 3-4 years out from having cost effective LED lights.
If you were doing a real offgrid home, I would utilize AC for everything for the reasons stated above, and invest in a high effieiency inverter with a battery charger built in at 48V. I have built large systems like this for powering state park facilities and remote cell towers.