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ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« on: July 12, 2011, 10:44:25 AM »
 Which is most accurate ? I used to have a 10-22 and couldn't hit anything with it also had a model 60 that would hit quarters at 50 yds.
  I don"t have a .22 now but am going to buy one to hunt squrills. Which one ?

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2011, 11:32:02 AM »
I think you are asking Ford Vs Chevy.
I have a few 10/22's for a few reasons.
I like the flush detachable mag.  While I have a few tube fed mag rifles and like them I still like the idea of having 10 rounds in a mag in my pocket rather than loose rounds. I like the idea that I can shoot a few rounds and swap out a mag to top up the rifle where the M60 you have a loaded rifle and you are not infront of the exit.
The 10/22 is a lego kit got grown ups.  If you want to presto chango and that standard rifle cna be anything.  I have a buddy that starterd with a 10/22 and changed every part on the rifle with a NON Ruger part and had two rifles when done.
This is part of the problem with accuracy.  You need to make sure any parts you replace are snugged down with out stripping the aluminium reciever.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2011, 02:08:37 PM »
Which is most accurate ? I used to have a 10-22 and couldn't hit anything with it also had a model 60 that would hit quarters at 50 yds.
  I don"t have a .22 now but am going to buy one to hunt squrills. Which one ?

Buy which ever rifle you like the best. Personally, if it were me, I would buy the Ruger Sporter (DSP) model. I think it is more accurate than the Carbine model because of the barrel band on the Carbin's forearm.
And, the Sporter model stock, with it's classic sporter lines and checkering, makes a much more beautiful gun, to my way of thinking. The Sporter costs more than the Carbine, however, I think it is worth more because of the sporter stock and the checkering.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2011, 04:44:25 PM »
On a recent thread (last 6 months maybe) same topic. Seems like folks who had both gave a slight nod ot the 60.
Made me want a 60 until it was reported looking at one in the store and the sights were crooked.,225881.0.html

Since then I put a Hogue OD Green stock on my 10/22; looks better, shoots better.
I do what McDuck does; swap magazines after each volley, to keep 10+1 in the gun.

I also got a Henry lever, with a tubular magazine. I know its empty when it goes "click" intead of "bang".

You can probably find a certain brand of ammo that makes any decent 22 accurate; get the one with the highest fondle factor.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2011, 10:18:25 AM »
I'm not a fan of the 10/22's, so of the two I'd go with a Marlin.
One of my squirrel rigs... a Marlin 17VS with a bunch of goodies added.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2011, 03:59:05 PM »
Sir the 60 always felt better in my hand. The 10-22 has many more options, so if accessorizing is your thing, go with the Ruger. I wouldnt bet on one against the other in the accuracy dept, but if I had to choose-Marlin. Never met a micro-groove I didnt like!


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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2011, 03:19:49 AM »
Which is most accurate ?

Most accurate? I'd say the Marlin, but the detachable magazine on the Ruger is great. Buy a Marlin 795 and have the best of both.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2011, 06:20:21 AM »
Or if you like the Marlin action and microgroove but also a magazine, get a Marlin 795 in either blue or stainless. That is the Model 60 action with a removable 10 round magazine.
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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2011, 07:03:43 AM »
In my mind... for ease of carry, nothing beats a lever gun.  The Model 60 is a very close second.  The protruding mag on the 795 is an eyesore and makes carry more difficult.  The 10/22 mag is flush but makes the gun wider and not as easy to fit in your hand.  Personally, I don't mind the tube mags but would love to find an easier way to unload.  Also, would love to find a better overall system.  Something that has a magazine that is changeable but not so wide as the 10/22 or protruding like most of the other mags.  Tube mags are great for number of rounds... I like that too.  I guess there is no perfect system.  Unless maybe the Browning Buckmark carbine might be an option.  Interchangeable mags, seems to carry pretty well (at least in the store) and semi-auto like the 10/22 and 60 and the mag is in the grip not hanging down in the way.
Just my thoughts,
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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2011, 07:22:16 AM »
  I know the tubular feed provides a smoother lower profile to the bottom line of the rifle, but when I hunt woodchucks it is often from driving down the road and seeing them in nearby fields.  Then a quick dash down a hedge row.  Here, I cannot have rounds in a rifle in the truck...but I can have filled magazines.   So, you can see where it's at..
    With current production, chances fior accuracy are better with the Marlin #60 straight out-of-the-box, but if you are likely to get the "modifying fever", best stick with the Ruger..many more choices.  In fact with Marlington/Remlin questions are rising.
   I'm surprised that you didn't mention the Savage #64, another accurate rifle right-out-of-the-box..(like all Savages).
   If you want to go for the top-rung accuracy, only needing perhaps a trigger mod can go with the 65BTV below...
  Or you cpuld opt for the "sniper" model..the trrsr..
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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2011, 09:15:57 AM »
I've had my 10/22 for nearly 25 years and put thousands of rounds through it, but I take my son's model 60 squirrel hunting. The 60 feels better, it's slimmer, and it just shoots more accurate with any type of shell versus the 10/22. Neither have a good stock trigger and you can't do much with the 60 as opposed to the 10/22, but for a stock gun I'd buy another 60 before a 10/22.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2011, 03:30:07 PM »
My experience only covers two 10/22s and one Mod. 60. The Mod. 60 was more accurate than either 10/22 and that isn't saying a lot for the 60. The first 10/22 sat in the closet for a lot of years until I finally decided to go the custom route. What a difference spending a lot of money on a cheap gun can make. I then bought the 60 and was disappointed with it after having read how good they were. Down the road it went. I then bought another 10/22 and spent a lot of money making it shoot. I just wanted to build another gun.

IF I had to keep either rifle as it comes out of the box I wouldn't have either one.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2011, 04:44:43 PM »
I've had both. Both were accurate enough for squirrel hunting. My 10/22 is more accurate than the M-60 I used to own. But I shot alot of cottontails in the head with that M-60.
I'm so happy with the 10/22 I have now, that I don't think I will be needing a new .22 rifle for a long time! It's not the most expensive and I don't have much money in extras either.
It's a "Walmart Special".................


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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2011, 07:29:52 PM »
Fine looking little rifle, Saddlebum I like the checkering, and what can you tell me about that BSA on top?

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2011, 09:35:21 PM »
Fine looking little rifle, Saddlebum I like the checkering, and what can you tell me about that BSA on top?

The scope is a Crossman/CenterPoint 3x9x32mm, illuminated mil-dot reticle. It's clear and bright out to the edges. The adjustments work good and hold adjustment. The red or green illumination on the reticle adjusts from dim to bright and works well. Only wish I had held out for the 40mm objective lens model. Other than that, I like it pretty good. It came with Butler Creek type flip open lens covers, rings and 2 batteries. The reviews I have read about the CenterPoint scopes vary from fantastic to crappy. Like all cheap scopes, the quality varies. I got a good one!.........For 60 bucks!
Using a 50yd zero, the mil-dots are real close to being at 25yd increments out to 200yds. While playing with the mil-dots at different ranges and using the range calculator, I hit a 4" by 7'' rock at a little over 175yds, (the 5th dot), every time. I was using CCI Mini Mags and Federal 555 brick hollowpoints. They have the same ballistics. The only thing I did to the rifle for accuracy was to tune the trigger myself, add a trigger stop in the guard and fire lap the barrel with LBT lapping compound.


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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2011, 01:39:55 AM »
  I think that accuracy wise, you will find good and not-good examples of either model.  They are manufactured rifles made for reasonable money, you are going to encounter inconsistencies in either model.
  The choise between them really boils down to tube vs detachable box.  Tube makes a leaner gun and box is... detachable.  For me, I go for the detachable box for all the reasons already pointed out.  I do the same for my centerfire hunting rifle. I too can't have a loaded rifle in the car, so a loaded mag in pocket works well for that.  No jingling, loose rounds in my pocket.  Once I'm "in place" I can put the mag in and gently charge the action without too much noise.  It just works for me.
  I do love the lever guns and will be picking up a 22 lever action soon.  The tube mag guns are just better carrying and have that slim look and feel.  I just won't be using them in situations where I want the atributes of a detachable mag.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2011, 08:06:54 AM »
Reading all of these I think out of the box both rifles are very close.
I had a model 60 a long time ago that was a garage sale salvage and was a rusty hunk as a project.
But as far as I can read, and guys please do not take this the wrong way, but mounting a scope on an aluminium reciever take some time, the proper tools and some glue (lock tight)  Any wobble in mounting the base, any loose screws and you are going to have accuracy problems.  I have unmounted and remounted scope mounts for guys at the club and that has made a world of difference.  Getting all four screws on the base even and tight.  Fromn what i have seen guys tend to screw the first screw down all the way and move on to the next screw.  When all four are in the first screw is now loose and they do not go back and retighten them and make them even in pressure. The same goes with mounting the rings to the base and the mounting of the rings. 
If you fail to get a good scope mount no matter what the scope you are going to have accuracy problems.
Out of the box the larger sights of the Model 60 may give you bettr accuracy on a target range.  I think the smaller sights of the Ruger are harder to see and give a larger margin of error at standard targets.  But I think the smaller sights are better for hunting.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2011, 08:17:50 AM »
Nice job Saddlebum. Looked like one of those "CatsEye" BSA's from what I could tell, but that setup is alot cooler. 

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2011, 12:21:07 PM »
  I have a "first year production" 10/22 (Sn # 66XX).  It is far more accurate than any standard 10/22 I have seen since.  I don't know why this is true, other that that I heard the first couple years Ruger "farmed out" their barrel making to custom barrel makers rather than to do them on their own.
   Don't know for sure why it's like this, but I have been pleased with this one.
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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2011, 05:17:36 PM »
Get one of each,be aware that any given one will outshoot the other with the right fodder.They're cheap enough to where you can decide, and sell the other. My guess is you'll keep both.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2011, 06:45:27 AM »
I have owned both, they are both good rifle's. With that said, I bought the remington 597 in 1998 and got rid of the others, The 597 is hands down better than the others.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2011, 07:19:35 AM »
In stock form the model 60 hands down imho. I have one model 60 that has been abused for 45 years and still shoots minute of squirrel. The only mod was stoning the trigger a bit. Every one of my 10-22 will out shoot it, but that's after a lot of work, a lot of money and a lot of parts. Pretty much any semi auto 22 will out shoot a stock 10-22 with barrel band if both are new. Ruger isn't known for updating their tooling to often. The general consensus on rimfire central is the last stock sporter barrel that was accurate was 1994 production. I am not really a fan of the 60 but it's not a bad rifle either. Personally if I wanted a new one that I wasn't going to mod at all I would look into a savage or rem in semi. And cz in bolt.
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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2011, 07:43:26 PM »
In stock form the model 60 hands down imho. I have one model 60 that has been abused for 45 years and still shoots minute of squirrel. The only mod was stoning the trigger a bit. Every one of my 10-22 will out shoot it, but that's after a lot of work, a lot of money and a lot of parts. Pretty much any semi auto 22 will out shoot a stock 10-22 with barrel band if both are new. Ruger isn't known for updating their tooling to often. The general consensus on rimfire central is the last stock sporter barrel that was accurate was 1994 production. I am not really a fan of the 60 but it's not a bad rifle either. Personally if I wanted a new one that I wasn't going to mod at all I would look into a savage or rem in semi. And cz in bolt.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2011, 08:11:25 AM »
  There's a lot to be said for the current Savage line..
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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2011, 09:41:56 AM »
I've had both. Both were accurate enough for squirrel hunting. My 10/22 is more accurate than the M-60 I used to own. But I shot alot of cottontails in the head with that M-60.
I'm so happy with the 10/22 I have now, that I don't think I will be needing a new .22 rifle for a long time! It's not the most expensive and I don't have much money in extras either.
It's a "Walmart Special".................
Is that one of the longer than normal, standard barrels?  I have seen a few in the local shops and wondered about them.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2011, 05:43:36 PM »
Yes, the barrel is 22". Many refer to them as the Walmart Special. Not sure when they stopped selling them. It's been at least 2 or 3 years. They were an exclusive model for Walmart. I had walked by and glanced at it several times and noticed it was different. When I finally decided to look at it, I bought it on the spot. Along with the scope and a signature soft case. When I compared the price to the standard carbine, it was 40.00 more for the 22'' stainless barrel, cut checkered sporter stock, extended mag release, nice rubber butt pad, sling swivels and the new combination rimfire/Weaver style scope mount. It was a no brainer! Some came, like mine, with a black trigger assembly and some with silver. I'm still wanting to 'paint' my receiver black some day.
The last time I looked at Ruger's website, they listed some similar models as exclusive to different dealers. All the ones I've seen have a medium heavy barrel as opposed to my standard sporter taper. The picture shows some variations from AccuSport, called the Light Varmint. The other one got the Ruger grey coating treatment.


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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2011, 07:29:14 PM »
I also like the Deluxe stock with the checkering.  Looks good.  May have to pick one up next time I have a few 100 in my pocket.


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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2011, 01:49:14 PM »
I also like the Deluxe stock with the checkering.  Looks good.  May have to pick one up next time I have a few 100 in my pocket.

I got a hankering for the deluxe stock but didnt want to buy a new rifle. Solution was find a DLX at a gun show, buy it, swap stocks in the parking lot and sell what I just bought. I ended up having $45.00 in a new (to me) deluxe sporter stock.


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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2011, 07:07:19 AM »
(Mod.60 hands down)  8)   i own both the 10-22 and the mod.60 and shot them against each other.

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Re: ruger 10-22 verse marlin mod. 60
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2011, 09:18:25 PM »
Here is a blued version of my 10/22-22" from Lipsey's.
A little pricey at 302.00
Stainless version
I enlarged the picture of this one and what looks like blur in the small pic, looks like a spiral pattern on the barrel. Like a candy cane.
No mention of it though.