Good video!
Yes, a war is being waged against raw milk. My parents and my family have always drank raw milk that we get from our relatives dairy farm, and none of us have ever got sick from it.
I guess maybe a couple people have got sick from drinking unpasteurized milk only because of bacteria, which would come from unwashed milking equipment. So now our government is going to save everyone from raw milk. Any farm that sells milk for market has their milk tested for bacteria. If it contains bacteria, it then is sold for making cheese, which brings less money per hundred weight.
My relatives that own dairy farms have told me not to tell anyone that I paid him for milk. For fear of government retribution. I guess they are allowed to give it away, but not sell it.
Its the same with apple cider. Government stepped in and said no more selling unpasteurized apple cider. Pasteurization absolutely ruins apple cider as it does milk. These government bureaucracies will never get any smaller or less intrusive. Its only the beginning of them telling us what we can have, and what we can't.