Author Topic: OK, I don't get it. Please explain.  (Read 4981 times)

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Offline Rock Home Isle

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Re: OK, I don't get it. Please explain.
« Reply #60 on: November 08, 2011, 08:49:00 AM »
Problem is there is no product of monetary value on a hog comparable to the hide on a buffalo.  The meat COULD be used but isn't allowed to be sold. If a guy could make good money on them, the hogs could be harvested into control much more quickly.  I only take a hog if I can use the meat NOW.  I don't have a big freezer, I can't afford to pay to have them butchered time after time to give away or donate.  I'd hunt much more and kill more hogs if I had something to do with them that wouldn't put me in the poor house.  I'm not going to kill them and just leave them...

Bingo...give that man a CIGAR.  8)
“Lost?? Hmmm... been fearsome confused for a month or two, but I ain't never been lost!”
Henry Frap the "Mountain Men"

“Ain't this somethin'? I told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Mother Gue said to me; ‘Make your life go here, son. Here's where the people is. Them mountains is for Indians and wild men.’  "Mother Gue", I says "the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world," and by God, I was right. Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline.”
Del Gue in "Jeremiah Johnson"

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Re: OK, I don't get it. Please explain.
« Reply #61 on: November 16, 2011, 01:20:14 AM »
I am at least fortunate to have several people I know that want hog meat, so if I get extra or more than I intended, I butcher them out and give them away. As long as my freezer has my limit of deer and a few hogs, I continue killing hogs and give them to who ever wants the pork.

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Re: OK, I don't get it. Please explain.
« Reply #62 on: November 16, 2011, 08:24:21 AM »
Spouse says I have to eat what I kill and if the freezer is full then I have to stop hunting.   >:(

WTH?   :o   That ain't going to happen.   ;D   

So I kill, drag, gut, skin, dress out, and give away a heap of hog in order to keep hunting.  Right now though, with the freezer BOTTOM showing for the first time in 16 years, if it goes down, it goes in my freezer...unless you shot it there and then you take it to your freezer.

Lets do some ANNUAL financial Land Ownership math:
Mortgage:  PAID OFF
Property Tax..............$1,800
Food Plots -
     Insecticide...............$100 (generic Roundup)
     Seed:.......................$250 (clover, iron and clay peas, wheat, rye, oats, soy bean)
     Fertilizer:.................$350 (ton)
     Lime:....................Not yet
Tractor / Bush Hog / Disc -
     Maintenance:..........$200  (some years more - others less)
     Fuel:.......................$100   (probably low - but OK)
Trail Cameras
     Replacement:............$50  (one every four years so you can see what might show up on your hunt)
Tree Stands
     Replacement:..........$150  (one a year to keep gravity from placing my butt unceremoniously on the ground.)

TOTAL.......................$3,000 w/o Insurance

Probably could get a single annual Western Whitetail, Mule deer, Elk or Moose hunt for that...but I would be a sadder and lonelier man for the loss of Freedom to come and go, shoot when as as I please, invite who I please, and just get away to relax on most weekends and every chance I can get in hunting season, whether the wildlife participates or not.